*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|SNAJDAN (L) #narliza with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Eriksson with a headshot from m4a1 ***
3D | dohteM killed SK|vilden with m4a1
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Korduner with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Mohamed with a headshot from us
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|SNAJDAN (L) #narliza with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Eriksson with a headshot from m4a1 ***
3D | dohteM killed SK|vilden with m4a1
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Korduner with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Mohamed with a headshot from us
захожу в тему какого то мудка а там коммент автор
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|SNAJDAN (L) #narliza with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Eriksson with a headshot from m4a1 ***
3D | dohteM killed SK|vilden with m4a1
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Korduner with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Mohamed with a headshot from us
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|SNAJDAN (L) #narliza with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Eriksson with a headshot from m4a1 ***
3D | dohteM killed SK|vilden with m4a1
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Korduner with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Mohamed with a headshot from us
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|SNAJDAN (L) #narliza with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Eriksson with a headshot from m4a1 ***
3D | dohteM killed SK|vilden with m4a1
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Korduner with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** 3D | dohteM killed SK|Mohamed with a headshot from usp