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    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #1 0/
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #2 0/
SLTV StarSeries 6: Ðåïîðòàæ
SLTV StarSeries V: CS Global Offensive
Ðåéòèíã ßíâàðü 2013
Fnatic FragOut CS:GO League
SLTV StarSeries #4 CS:GO
SLTV Star Series #3: Ðåïîðòàæ
GosuLeague #3: Ðåïîðòàæ
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The Premier League Season 2: Ðåïîðòàæ
Fantasy Football - Åâðî 2012: Ëèãà
Rising Stars Challenge
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: Ãðóïïîâîé ýòàï
FnaticRC CS League: Ãðóïïîâîé ýòàï
It's Gosu's Monthly Madness: 2 ñåçîí
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: 2é êâàëèôèêàöèîííûé òóð
The Premier League: 2 cåçîí
Fantasy Football - UEFA Champions League ëèãà
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: 1é êâàëèôèêàöèîííûé òóð
36ON.RU BATTLE CITY: Ñîñòàâû êîìàíä


KODE5 2007 Global Final Rules and Regulations
General Event Rules

Section A: General Information

A-1. KODE5 is a series of gaming tournaments that are held in multiple countries around the world. Winners from each Regional Qualifier will represent that region at the KODE5 Global Final.

A-2. The following document outlines general rules and regulations that are to be understood and followed by all competitors at KODE5 events.

A-3. In addition to these rules and regulations, players are expected to follow tournament-specific regulations, which are described in supplemental documents.

A-4.  The rules stated here are to be strictly followed, unless a circumstance occurs where strict compliance goes against the spirit of the competition.

Section B: Player Eligibility

B-1.  Players are eligible to participate in all KODE5 events regardless of race, religion, gender, professional status, or sponsorship.

Section C: Player Registration

C-1.  Players registering for a KODE5 event acknowledge, without limitation to comply with KODE5 rules and regulations and the decisions of KODE5 officials. The application of these rules and regulations is at the sole discretion of the KODE5 officials. Any decision from KODE5 officials will supersede these rules and regulations to preserve the spirit of competition.

C-4.  Registrations may not contain offensive or vulgar language. Registrations deemed inappropriate may be disqualified, and may require alteration by the entrant for appropriateness.

C-5.  Registrations containing fraudulent or deceptive information will be discarded, and may lead to the disqualification of the entrant from the competition depending on severity.

C-6.  All players must be registered for a tournament before the start of the first match of that tournament. Registrations submitted after this time will not be accepted.

C-7.  To confirm a tournament spot for all team-based competition, the required minimum number of competitors must be met at registration. Registrations that do not meet this minimum number requirement will be discarded. See specific tournament regulations for the minimum number of players required for each tournament.

C-8.  Competitors must present the following identification upon check-in:

16 years of age or older: Government-issued photo identification, such a driver’s license or passport.
Under 16 years of age: Certified copy of birth certificate and photo identification.

Competitors must be able to present this identification at any time requested by a KODE5 official. Competitors who present false identification will be ejected from the tournament and suspended from KODE5 tournaments for at least one year.

C-9.  The minimum number of players for each tournament must be met at check-in for team to be eligible to compete. If a team does not meet the minimum requirement and a replacement player who has already registered with the tournament cannot be found, the team will be deemed ineligible for tournament play.

C-10.  Each team must register a team manager, which is responsible for representing the team when communicating with tournament officials. The team manager can announce representatives and enable them to represent him, which means they can administrate the team responsibilities without limitation or qualification.

The team manager is responsible for his players and his representatives, as the team is responsible for actions and behavior of his players. Team managers must be registered with the team in order to be allowed into the tournament area.

Managers for players in single-player tournaments must register as a non-playing competitor and state which player they represent upon registration to be allowed into the tournament area.

C-11.  Team Managers must meet the tournament age requirement even if they are not competing.

C-12.  In addition to event check-in, players are required to notify the tournament administrator of their intention to compete. This applies to all players, whether they have pre-registered or if they are registering on site. Players and teams who have not given this notice will be ineligible to compete.

Section D: Player Responsibilities

D-1.  Players are expected to behave in a sportsmanlike manner at all KODE5 events. This includes, but is not limited to:

(i)  Showing respect for other competitors, tournament officials, media, spectators, and themselves

(ii)  Following all game rules and standards for fair play

(iii)  Competing to the best of one’s ability during the tournament

Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in a warning from KODE5 officials. Two such warnings will result in disqualification of the offending player from the tournament.

D-2.  Players are to promptly follow all instructions and directions given by KODE5 officials. Non-compliance will result in a warning from KODE5 officials. Two such warnings will result in disqualification of the offending player from the tournament.

D-3. Players are entirely responsible for knowing and following the event schedule, as match times may not be announced. Failure to report to a tournament administrator 10 minutes before the start of a match may result in an automatic loss.

D-4.   At all KODE5 events, players are not permitted to:

(i)  Physically or verbally attack tournament officials, media, spectators, or other competitors.

(ii)  Bring alcohol and/or drugs into the event grounds or be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs during the event.

(iii)  Interfere with tournament proceedings in any way.

(iv)  Use obscene, vulgar, profane, or offensive language and/or gestures.

(v)  Be unnecessarily physically aggressive such as striking tables, keyboards, monitors or throwing equipment.

(vi)  Tamper with tournament PC systems or software at any time.

(vii)  Act rudely towards tournament officials, media, spectators, or other competitors.

Offending behavior will result in a warning from KODE5 officials at a minimum. Two such warnings will result in disqualification of the offending player from the tournament. Depending on the severity of the offence, KODE5 officials have the right to immediately eject the offending player from the tournament.

D-5.  Unfair play is not tolerated at KODE5 events. Behaviors that constitute unfair play include:

(i)  The use of any cheat programs, such as a maphack or aimbot.

(ii)  Intentional disconnects or reboots.

(iii)  Using settings that are outside the standard and permitted game settings.

(iv)  Illegal communications with third parties or otherwise during tournament play.

(v)  Game-specific exploits outlined in the tournament regulations.

Unfair play will result in an automatic match loss at a minimum and a possible disqualification from the tournament by KODE5 officials depending on the severity of the infraction.

D-6.  Teams that lose players due to disqualification are required to meet the minimum number requirements with team members that are already registered. If they cannot, the entire team will be disqualified due to a lack of players.

D-7.  Players are to wear suitable clothing on the KODE5 event grounds.

(i)  Tops, bottoms and shoes must be worn at all times.

(ii)  Undergarments may not be visible.

(iii)  Torn clothing or unreasonably short skirts or shorts are not permitted.

(iv)  Clothing that displays vulgar, offensive or inappropriate images or language is not permitted.

At a tournament official’s discretion, players wearing clothing deemed inappropriate may be required to change attire.

D-8.  Players will not be allowed to leave the event grounds, and must be available for awards ceremonies, interviews and other post-tournament coverage events.

D-9.  Players will wear their event badges and jersey patches all times during the event. Players without a valid badge and/or not wearing their KODE5 jersey patch will be ineligible to compete.

Section E: Equipment

E-1.  Players are permitted to bring the following items with them into the tournament area:

(i)  USB or PS/2 mouse with drivers if required

(ii)  USB or PS/2 keyboard with drivers if required

(iii)  Analog or USB headphones

(iv)  Mousepad

(v)  One (1) beverage that can be resealed

(vi)  Cell phones must be switched off in the tournament area. Players or managers with cell phones that emit any sounds during tournament play are subject to a warning from KODE5 officials. Two such warnings constitute disqualification from the tournament.

(vii)  Cameras may be brought into the tournament area, but flash photography is prohibited during tournament play. Players or managers that use flash photography are subject to a warning by KODE5 officials. Two such warnings constitute disqualification from the tournament.

(viii) Storage devices such as USB memory sticks or floppy disks may be used, but may only contain peripheral drivers, and may only be used after verification from KODE5 officials. Storage devices containing software other than essential peripheral drivers will be confiscated.

E-2.  All other items not outlined in Section E-1 are not permitted, including, but not limited to:

(i)  Peripherals that require additional software installation outside of device drivers

(ii)  Peripherals that require an external power source

(iii)  Outside software disks or CDs, other than essential peripheral drivers

(iv)  Portable hard disks

(v)  Speakers of any kind

E-3.  Players are not permitted to tamper with their assigned tournament area. This includes, but is not limited to:

(i)  Any sponsored display materials, including monitor toppers, stickers, banners, or table skirts

(ii)  Any coverings above the playing surface

(iii)  The tournament PC

(iv)  Assigned seating

E-4.   Official KODE5 matches will be played on KODE5 tournament computers and displays. Players may not play on alternative equipment for official matches. Tournament computers and displays are not to be tampered with, and any sponsored materials from KODE5 and KODE5 supporters are not to be removed.

E-5.  Tournament computers or displays will only be modified or replaced at the discretion of the tournament administrator in the case of a hardware failure that renders the equipment inoperable.

Section F: Disputes and Penalties

F-1.  During tournament play, KODE5 officials may stop a match at any time if there is a suspected rule violation.

F-2.  Only 1v1 competitors and team managers may approach the tournament official assigned to oversee their tournament for rules clarifications or disputes.

F-3.  1v1 competitors or team managers must communicate any disputes to the tournament official overseeing the match at the conclusion of the round or half for a dispute to be considered. If the game is not organized into rounds or halves, the dispute should be communicated at the end of the match. Disputes not filed at this time will not be considered.

F-4.  The tournament official overseeing the tournament where the dispute was made will make the decision on the alleged rule violation, and may refer to replay files and/or consult with other tournament officials. The decision announced by this tournament official will be considered as final.

F-5. If a rule violation has been determined to have occurred, the offending player or team will get a warning as a minimum, or be ejected from the tournament depending on the severity of the infraction. Two warnings constitute disqualification from the tournament.

Section G: Prizes

G-1.  Cash prizes for the KODE5 Global Finals are listed on the KODE5 website.

G-2.  Other prizes for KODE5 events will be made known on the KODE5 website when they are finalized.

G-3.  Winners are solely responsible for duties or taxes for prizes won. Winners that default on any associated fees will forfeit their prize.

Section H: Modifications and Copyrights

H-1. KODE5 reserves the right to alter these regulations at any time and without notice. Material changes to this document will be made known on the official KODE5 website (

H-3.  Rules and regulations for KODE5 events can also be subject to the following modifications:

(i)  Use of most recent patch/version release at the discretion of KODE5.

(ii)  In-game settings and required factors necessitated by use of most recent patch/version release.

(iii)  Cheat Protection Program release and/or cheat protection functions.

(iv)  Game settings and/or operations guidelines dictated by differences between online and offline tournaments.

H-4.  All demo and replay files are the property of KODE5, and may not be sold, altered, broadcast, or distributed without prior written authorization from KODE5. Parties wishing to distribute or broadcast demo and replay files can apply for an unlimited use license from KODE5 free of charge, provided that the content will not be sold in any way.

H-5. The above rules and regulations may not be altered, reproduced, or published in whole or in part without prior written consent from KODE5.

Counter-Strike 1.6 Rules

Section A: General

A-1. The following are rules and regulations for the KODE5 Counter-Strike 1.6 Global Finals. As an official KODE5 event, all general KODE5 Tournament Regulations apply. 

A-2.  The following rules may experience minor modifications from local organizers, depending on regional circumstances. Any material changes will be made known on the KODE5 website (

Section B: Competition Structure

B-1.  The KODE5 Counter-Strike 1.6 Global Final is a 5v5 event.

B-2. Preliminary rounds will be played in a round robin format. The two teams from each group with the best record at the end of group play will advance for a total of eight. The tournament then uses a single elimination best of three format until a winner is determined. 

B-3.  Team seeding will be done by the KODE5 Officials and the KODE5 Revolutionary Council, based on current global rankings of participating teams.

B-4. All players are to save the demo files for each match.

B-5. The winning team is the first team to win 16 rounds over the course of two 15-round halves.

(i)  In the case of a tie after regulation, 6 extra rounds will be played. (3 rounds as offense / 3 rounds as defense per team)

(ii)  In the case of a re-tie after 6 extra rounds, 6 extra rounds will be played until a winner is determined.

B-6. At the conclusion of each tournament round, all demo files are to be submitted to KODE5 officials.

Section C: Game Settings

C-1. All matches will use Counter-Strike version 1.6.

C-2.  Game settings to be used for all matches are as follows:

• Max rounds: 15
• Round time: 1:45
• Only team leaders are allowed to use public in-game messages (messagemode1) within a match. The rule also applies when dead. Use of messagemode1 by any member other than the team leader shall result in a warning.
• Other team members must only use team message (messagemode2), while in a match.
• The Server Master must record the process of the match.
• Binding of weapons or team messages allowed.
• Default skins must be used.
• Boosting (stepping on top of own team player) is allowed in play.
• Throwing grenades over buildings in all maps are allowed.
• The gamma rate can be changed in the video graphic driver.

C-3.  Server settings to be used for all matches are as follows:

• pausable 1
• allow_spectators 1
• mp_buytime 0.25
• mp_roundtime 1.75
• mp_friendlyfire 1
• mp_c4timer 35
• mp_freezetime 10
• mp_forcechasecam 2
• mp_forcecamera 2
• mp_fadetoblack 1
• mp_footsteps 1
• mp_flashlight 1
• mp_autocrosshair 0
• mp_limitteams 0
• mp_logfile 1
• mp_logdetail 3
• mp_logaddress 27100
• mp_logmessages 1
• mp_autoteambalance 0
• mp_autokick 0
• mp_tkpunish 0
• mp_hostagepenalty 0 
• mp_chasecam 1
• mp_friendly_grenade_damage 1
• mp_allowmonsters 0
• mp_ghostfrenquency 0.1
• mp_chattime 10
• mp_timelimit 0
• mp_winlimit 0
• mp_mirrordamage 0
• mp_timelimit 0
• mp_maxrounds 0
• mp_startmoney 800
• sv_aim 0
• sv_cheats 0
• sv_maxspeed 320
• sv_gravity 800
• sv_maxupdaterate 101
• sv_maxrate 25000
• sv_clienttrace 1
• sv_airmove 1
• sv_airaccelerate 10
• sv_alltalk 0
• sv_allowupload 1
• sv_bounce 1
• sv_clipmode 0
• sv_friction 4.000
• sv_minupdaterate 0
• sv_minrate 2500
• sv_stepsize 18
• sv_stopspeed 75.000
• sv_wateraccelerate 10
• sv_waterfriction 1
• sv_proxies 2
• sys_ticrate 1000
• fps_max 100
• log on

Server settings may be changed by KODE5 officials at any time.

C-4.  The map pool to be used is as follows:

• de_dust2 (drax version)
• de_inferno
• de_nuke (drax version)
• de_train (drax version)

The map pool may be changed by KODE5 officials at any time.

Section D: Competition Procedure

D-1.  Players are responsible for configuring in-game settings and peripherals. Editing the operating system registry or installing software other than peripheral drivers is strictly prohibited.

D-2.  Players may alter in-game configurations through the custom KODE5 Counter-Strike GUI. Use of the console or manually editing the game configuration file is strictly prohibited.

D-3. Map selection procedure during group stage:

(i) Lower seeded team chooses one map from the map pool to eliminate.

(ii) Higher seeded team chooses one map from the three remaining maps to eliminate.

(iii) The remaining two maps will be assigned to both sides of a coin and the map to be played will be determined via a coin toss.

D-4. Map selection procedure during the playoffs:

(i) Lower seeded team chooses the first map from the map pool.

(ii) Higher seeded team chooses the second map from the map pool.

(iii) If the match goes to a third round, the two remaining maps will be assigned to both sides of a coin and the map to be played will be determined via a coin toss.

D-5.  A knife round is used to decide which team plays defense and which team plays offense at the start of a match. The winner of the coin toss can choose their role for the first half of the match. 

D-6.  The match will be comprised of two 15-round halves, with one team assuming the role of offense and the other team assuming the role of defense. Each round is 1 minute 45 seconds in length, and ends when all 5 players from one team have been eliminated, the offense successfully plants and detonates the bomb, the defense successfully defuses the bomb, or the round time expires before the bomb explodes.

D-7.  The first team to win 16 rounds from two halves will be considered the winner.

Section E: Player Substitutions

E-1. Team member substitutions are allowed only for a maximum of two team members one day prior to a scheduled match.

E-2. No substitutions will be allowed on the day of a match.

E-3. If a team must request more substitutions than the number allotted for some truly unforeseen circumstance, the operations staff will make consideration and a decision at its sole discretion to allow or disallow such requests.

E-4. Substitution requests based on false information will result in team disqualification.

Section F: Disconnects

F-1.  A disconnect is defined as any disconnection of the connection between match players due to system, network, PC, or power issues.

F-2.  When a disconnect occurs:

(i)  If disconnection occurs before the 3rd round starts, the half will be restarted.

(ii)  If disconnection occurs after the 3rd1 round starts, the teams will resume the round with the same scores and number of rounds left in the match. Game money will not be replaced.

F-3.  If up to two (2) of all players are unintentionally disconnected, the round played at that point will be ignored. Then the next round will be played after confirmation of all players’ connection to the server according to the server master’s pause option. The money amount for all players will be reset to $800. 

F-4.  Upon judgment by the referee, any players disconnecting intentionally will be charged with a loss by forfeit.

Section G: Unfair Play

G-1.  Actions that constitute unfair play include:

(i)  The use of any map hack or other cheat program.

(ii)  Disconnecting intentionally.

(iii)  The use of any settings outside of the standard and permitted settings.

(iv)  Illegally communicating with third parties during a match, or with team members while dead during a match.

(v)  Use of personal model/skins (includes weapon skins)

(vi)  Use of personal map texture

(vii)  Use of map bugs in play (e.g. map swimming, auto aim, etc.)

(viii) Use of unfair scripts

G-2.  During the course of any match, the KODE5 official overseeing the match may determine other actions to embody unfair play at any time.

G-3.  Unfair play will result in an automatic match loss at a minimum and a possible disqualification from the tournament by KODE5 officials depending on the severity of the infraction.

Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Rules

Section A: General

A-1. The following are rules and regulations for the KODE5 Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Qualifiers. As an official KODE5 event, all general KODE5 Tournament Regulations apply. 

Section B: Competition Structure

B-1.  The KODE5 Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Global Final is a 1v1 event.

B-2. Preliminary rounds will be played in a round robin format, with each match played best of 3 maps. The two players from each group with the best record will advance for a total of eight. The tournament then uses a single elimination, best of 3 format until a winner is determined. 

B-3.  Player seeding will be done by the KODE5 Officials and the KODE5 Revolutionary Council, based on current global rankings of participating players.

B-4. Players are to save the replay files for each match.

B-5. The winning player is determined when an opponent’s buildings are completely destroyed, or if an opponent surrenders.

B-6. Matches are played until a winner is determined.

B-7. At the conclusion of each tournament round, all replay files are to be submitted to KODE5 officials.

Section C: Game Settings

C-1. All matches will use the latest game patch.

C-2.  Game settings to be used for all matches are as follows:

• Race Selection: Free Choice
• Game Speed: Fastest
• Players may modify 'customkeyinfo.txt'
• Custom keys option can be turned on in game play

C-3.  Server settings to be used for all matches are as follows:

• Lock Teams: Yes
• Teams Together: No
• Full shared unit control: No
• Random races: No
• Random hero: No
• Observers: Full Observers
• Visibility: Default

Server settings may be changed by KODE5 officials at any time.

C-4.  The map pool to be used is as follows:

• Lost Temple (ROC Version)
• Gnoll Wood (TFT Version)
• Twisted Meadows (TFT Version)
• Turtle Rock (TFT Version)
• Echo Isles (TFT Version)
• Terenas Stand (TFT Version)
• Secret Valley

The map pool may be changed by KODE5 officials at any time.

Section D: Competition Procedure

D-1.  Players are responsible for configuring in-game settings and peripherals. Editing the operating system registry or installing software other than peripheral drivers is strictly prohibited.

D-2.  Players may alter in-game configurations through either the Warcraft III: Frozen Throne GUI or by editing ‘customkeys.txt’. Use of the console or manually editing the game configuration file is strictly prohibited.

D-3.  Map selection will occur in the following manner:

(i)  The winner of a coin toss will eliminate one map from the map pool. This map cannot be selected again.

(ii) The loser of the coin toss will eliminate two maps from the remaining six maps. These maps cannot be selected again.

(iii) The winner of the coin toss will eliminate one more map from the remaining four maps. This map cannot be selected again.

(iv) From the three remaining maps, the two players will agree on the first map to play.

(v) If an agreement cannot be reached, another coin toss will be done. The winner of the coin toss will strike out a map from the remaining three maps. The loser of the coin toss will strike out a map from the remaining two maps. The last remaining map will be the first map played.

(vi) The loser of the first map will choose a map from the remaining two maps in the map pool. This will be the second map played.

(vii) If the match goes to a third map, the last remaining map will be played.

D-4.  If at any point in the match it becomes clear that a player has been defeated, that player must concede immediately. Unnecessarily prolonging games where losses are inevitable equate in a willful delay of the tournament, and is subject a warning from KODE5 officials. Two such warnings results in the disqualification of the offending player from the tournament.

D-5. Managers may only communicate to players between rounds.

Section E: Disconnects

E-1.  A disconnect is defined as any disconnection of the connection between match players due to system, network, PC, or power issues.

E-2.  When a disconnect occurs:

(i)  If disconnection occurs within 4 minutes of start of match, the match will be restarted.

(ii)  If disconnection occurs after 4 minutes of start of match, and both players agree to a match restart, the match will be restarted. If both players cannot reach an agreement, the referee can either determine a winner after analyzing the replay file, or grant a restart if no clear winner can be determined. 

E-3.  Upon judgment by the referee, any players disconnecting intentionally will be charged with a loss by forfeit.

Section F: Unfair Play

F-1.  Actions that constitute unfair play include:

(i)  The use of any map hack or other cheat program.

(ii)  Disconnecting intentionally.

(iii)  The use of any settings outside of the standard and permitted settings.

(iv)  Illegally communicating with third parties during a match.

F-2.  During the course of any match, the KODE5 official overseeing the match may determine other actions to embody unfair play at any time.

F-3.  Unfair play will result in an automatic match loss at a minimum and a possible disqualification from the tournament by KODE5 officials depending on the severity of the infraction.


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