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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #1
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #2

Wan.not.Die @ 16.01.08 12:07 |
January 15th, 2008 - The producer has gotten back to me and the patch for Warcraft III will be moved up on the priority list. They also have intentions of including a no CD patch prior to the gameplay patch. The no CD patch could be finished as early as January 28th. I should also be getting an estimated time of completion for the gameplay patch shortly. In addition, at the convenience of the development team, I also hope to interview one of the producers on the process of patch creation.
кукуРУЗНИК @ 16.01.08 12:48 |
Выведите #12 с проплея..еще один человек не понимающий иронии..
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