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    #1   exodus_ @ 03.07.07 15:48 [пожаловаться]   
мне пришло на почту письмо
11 G Lower Dorset Street,
Dublin 1, Ireland.
P O Box 1010.

We happily announce to you the draw (#1004) of the IRISH LOTTERY online Sweepstakes International program held on Wednesday 20 June 2007. It is now available for claims and you are getting the final NOTIFICATION as regards this.

Your e-mail address attached to ticket number: ----- 188 with Serial number ----/-- drew the lucky numbers: --, --, , , , , Bonus 08, which subsequently won you the lottery in the 1st category i.e match 5 plus bonus.

You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of Ј1.35 Million (One million, three hundred and fifty thousand, pounds sterling) in cash credited to file KTU/9023118308/03. This is from a total cash prize of Ј4,419,864 shared amongst the (2) lucky winners in this category i.e. Match 6 plus bonus.

All participants for the online version were selected randomly from World Wide Web sites through computer draw system and extracted from over 100,000 unions, associations, and corporate bodies that are listed online. This promotion takes place weekly.

To file for your claim, please contact our fiduciary agent:

Dr. Sylvester Silver
Phone: +44 70457 17516
Fax: +44 70750 55684

Fill the Below informations and send to the fiduciary agent for your claims verification:

1.Full Name:
2.Full Address:
3.Marital Status:
8.Country Of Residence:
9.Telephone Number:

Congratulations from me and members of staff of THE IRISH LOTTERY.

Yours faithfully,
Sir. Wilson Frank
Online coordinator for THE IRISH LOTTERY
Sweepstakes International Program
ребята помогите пожалуйста, я не могу собрать раму что этоSmile
    #2   leonud @ 03.07.07 15:52 [пожаловаться]   
Arrowсори, я пьян,можете обложить ганом меня, но ничего посоветоватьбольше немогу ,ибо мозг отключился Laughing
    #3   NiaM. @ 03.07.07 15:52 [пожаловаться]   
ti v loterei :aga: :super:
    #4   ElGobedano @ 03.07.07 16:41 [пожаловаться]   
да эти боты на сайте задолбали уже Twisted Evil
    #5   exodus_ @ 03.07.07 16:58 [пожаловаться]   
kuler саи ты бот, я задал конкретный вопрос
    #6   exodus_ @ 03.07.07 16:59 [пожаловаться]   
сам*, если не нравится не отвечай
    #7   m1sha @ 03.07.07 17:04 [пожаловаться]   
ахахаха, 1,5 миллиона фунтов, а почта на яху, ой нимагу
    #8   exodus_ @ 03.07.07 17:07 [пожаловаться]   
ну может хоть кто то сказать что это такое,я выиграл бабки=?
    #9   WhS™ @ 03.07.07 17:10 [пожаловаться]   
fuRaj ты выйграл кучу денег и чтобы их забрать ты дожен сообщить мистеру сильверу своё имя майл страну телеофн и тд =) после чего ты в праве прасить свой выйгреш в полной размере надичными =)

повезло тебе наверное +) Confused
    #10   WhS™ @ 03.07.07 17:10 [пожаловаться]   
Dr. Sylvester Silver
Phone: +44 70457 17516
Fax: +44 70750 55684
    #11   exodus_ @ 03.07.07 17:12 [пожаловаться]   
    #12   Fambyrka @ 03.07.07 23:33 [пожаловаться]   
#1 другу что-то подобное приходило Laughing
    #13   AgFox_LuckyGnom @ 03.07.07 23:48 [пожаловаться]   
Короче бред. Пишут, что выиграл кучу бала, а на саомм деле хотят ломануть твйо комп и ваще всй что попдайтся под руку
    #14   Aquascutum @ 04.07.07 02:27 [пожаловаться]   
#1 Кинь мне на кошелёк (R150218114305) баксов 300-400, ок? Я думаю с твоих 1,5 млн фунтов не убудет Wink
    #16   Airkill @ 04.07.07 02:54 [пожаловаться]   
Ужасно старый лохотрон под названием "Нигерийские письма", старее финансовых пирамид. Суть в том, что тебе сообщают что ты сорвал куш в лотерее и просят оставить номер своего банковского счета, если ты его оставляешь, то с него пропадает всё, что на нём было. Самое веселое то, что эти адресаты в реале существуют, и есть такой номер телефона, факс, сам отправитель. Только лотереи никакой нет, так же как и их "Нигерийского банка". Папа рассказывал после того как ему пришло такое ( от него я и узнал про такой развод) - Одной женщине на работу пришло такое письмо, где говорили что она выиграла 15 лимонов и просили оставить номер банковского счета. У этой женщины своего счета не было и она оставила номер счета компании где она работала. После чего компания потеряла те самые 15 лимонов. Что было дальше - не знаю, да и боюсь предположить.
    #18   maddox @ 04.07.07 03:18 [пожаловаться]   
а может просто проверка твоей почты, читаешь ты ее или нет. Если ответишь - значит читаешь, соответственно попадаешь в чей-нить спам-лист и жди беды. Но если все таки выиграл - не забудь поделиться ))
    #19   B1GFoOT @ 04.07.07 05:31 [пожаловаться]   
а разве они там просят выслать банковский счет ?
    #21   exodus_ @ 04.07.07 11:17 [пожаловаться]   
мне пришло письмо №2, вот оно

Dear Valued Customer,

At Fast Way Couriers our goal and mission is to provide quality logistical solutions which exceed our expectations at a competitive price. Our aim of providing global excellence in transportation is provided by our staff members and worldwide suppliers who are here to serve your requirements through the next century.

Fast Way Couriers is a global air cargo wholesaler and has an exclusive network of international agents ensuring complete logistical support for all international cargo requirements. In U.K, Fast Way Couriers is headquartered in Warrington UNITED KINGDOM Mand has coast-to-coast representation to permit direct and economical flights or by other transportation means.

This E-mail sent to you is to inform you that the Verifications Dept. at the headquarters of the LOTTERY PROMOTIONS have officially cleared you for payment. The original copy of your certificate together with a covering document (Money Laundering protection and Letter of Affidavit for Claims) from the British government stating that the money was obtained legally through a registered lottery programme (IRISH LOTTERY PROMOTIONS), as soon as you meet with any of the option listed below, your winnings will be transferred to you immediately.

The Lottery certified cheque and documents are packaged to be delivered under one way bill by the contracted Courier Company and are categorized as High priority & Express delivery under applicable laws and regulations. This shipment cannot be delivered to PO boxes or postal codes but to Receiver's address. Transit times for delivery of parcels to customers are in working days and are subject to change depending on location of collection and delivery, weight and value. For lightweight shipment, you may be charged for its value as well as dimensional weight rather than its actual weight.

This delivery parcel for greater protection has also been insured in accordance with shipping regulations under unlimited liability. This comprehensive cash in transit insurance cover for your consignment has been arranged {for effective and fast customs clearance}. Delivery of parcel/Transfer of winnings commences {2-3 days} after payment covering delivery charges is made.

Order number for Lottery prize parcel: {ORDER NUMBER: .................. you will be asked to give your order number before signing for any document at the arrival of your parcel at your assigned destination. You are hereby advised to keep your order number confidential as this company will not be liable for any uncertainty whatsoever bearing the misconduct on the path of the customer.

Prices quoted indicate the Air Express services available from the UK to your destination country for the selected shipment type. The actual availability of services is determined by destination area code or city name, and subject to commodity and value restrictions for dutiable shipments.

Whosoever must present the delivery officer identification card regarding to the above names mention. There after you will be given a tracking number to monitor your parcel on line. You can now begin the final step of the claims process, which is the transferring of your cash prize to you. With regards to this, find below options open to you; you are required to select the more convenient.

The options, together with their associated conditions are presented below:

Premium Delivery

Handling & Delivery Cost..............Ј380.00
Administrative Charges.................Ј0.25
Total Cost......................................Ј955.00 GBP ($1,869.00 USD)
Length of Days..............................24Hrs
Order Number...............................0576534


Economy Delivery

Handling & Delivery Cost...............Ј240.00
Admin istrative Charges.................Ј025.00
Total Cost......................................Ј595.00 GBP ($1,200.00 USD)
Length of Days...............................48Hrs
Order Number................................4572145


Standard Delivery

Handling & Delivery Cost...............Ј100.00
Admin istrative Charges.................Ј025.00
Total Cost......................................Ј455.00 GBP ($882.00 USD)
Length of Days...............................3 Days
Order Number................................6572345

The International money transfer company, WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER have been chosen as method of payments for customers, you are to make payment through any regional office close to you. This payment method was adopted to ameliorate and speed up the process of payment and delivery because of its wide network of operation.

Important Note: That the courier charges cannot be deducted from your Winnings due to Article 1186 section 45 subsection 2.3 of Constitution of the United Kingdom as relates to Financial and freight matters, which are duly codified in the United Kingdom law.

Please respond to this email by making a selection from the options above. Also be reminded that the deadline for the claiming of winnings is exactly two weeks after the receipt of this email. After this period, your cash prize will be deemed to have been forfeited by you and will be reused in the drawings of the next edition of the lottery.

Good luck and Congratulations once again. Please send your response within the next 24hrs to this same email address.

We are glad to be of service to you.

Mr. McCain Wondals.
Customer Service Officer
Customer Information and Enquiry Department
Fast Way Couriers Uk
Tel: +44-704-572-8507
Fax: 0044-7075707726
This message, along with any attachments, is strictly confidential, and intended solely for the use of the person or organization to whom it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information which is covered by legal, professional, or other privileges. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not copy, distribute or take any action in reliance on it. In this case, please destroy the email and its attachments. Any opinions presented, expressed or implied, are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Company
кароче я так понял это тупой развод, нада платить бабки за страховку и т.д. лохотрон

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