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    #1   Marchello @ 08.02.08 13:38 [пожаловаться]   
6.50 Changelog

Hero Changes:
* Removed manacost on Mana Shield activation
* Changed Leap''''s cooldown to scale with levels
* Improved Juggernaut''''s movement speed
* Implemented a better silencing mechanism in the Black Hole area to prevent spell execution regardless of cast animation time
* Lowered Drow Ranger''''s Agility gain per level
* Changed Drow Ranger''''s Marksmanship ultimate
* Increased Morphling''''s base damage
* Macropyre''''s cooldown no longer increases per level
* Added an extra bounce to Chain Frost
* Reduced Sprint''''s damage amplification
* Increased Maledict''''s area of effect by 15
* Changed Spectre''''s Dispersion
* Redesigned Visage
* Improved casting range on Acid Spray
* Changed how Song of the Siren levels up
* Reduced cooldown on high level Shapeshift
* Improved armor on Enigma''''s Eidolons
* Reduced Expulsion''''s cooldown and manacost
* Improved Keeper of the Light''''s attack animation
* Improved Scattershot''''s damage range from 10-35 to 20-35
* Improved Alchemist''''s base Intelligence and growth
* Slightly improved Psi Blades'''' spill width and range
* Improved Chemical Rage
* Increased Phantom Lancer''''s Strength gain
* Increased cooldown on Psionic Trap from 7 to 14 seconds
* Improved lifesteal on level 2 and 3 Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced Replicate''''s manacost and cooldown
* Improved Troll''''s base movement speed
* Decreased Rampage''''s movement speed bonus and cooldown
* Improved Spirit Bear''''s Demolish
* Increased Lightning Storm''''s cooldown by 2 seconds
* Reduced cooldown on level 4 Metamorphosis from 135 to 110 seconds
* Reduced Lina''''s movement speed by 5
* Improved Sand Storm
* Reduced the slow on Sand King ultimate
* Improved range on Drow Ranger''''s Trueshot Aura
* Improved cooldown progression on Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced Sven''''s base armor
* Improved Enigma''''s movement speed
* Modified initial projectile speed and effect on Paralyzing Casks
* Improved Enfeeble
* Improved Auto Fire''''s area of effect and duration
* Reduced Queen of Pain''''s Blink range at early levels
* Improved Earthshaker''''s movement speed
* Zombies now give a bit less bounty
* Reduced Gravechill''''s cooldown a bit
* Increased Primal Roar''''s cooldown a little bit
* Eclipse''''s damage is based on Lucent Beam level and doesn''''t ministun
* Lucent Beam ministun duration increases per level (0.6 level 4 up from a constant 0.01)
* Lowered Eclipse''''s manacost and gave it constant cooldown progression
* Increased Lucent Beam''''s casting range and lowered manacost slightly
* Improved cast range on Expulsion and Fire Storm
* Improved Ravage a little (it became slightly less effective with the Impale recodes)
* Reverse Polarity''''s cooldown is now the same on all levels
* Changes Queen of Pain''''s blink cooldown from 12/9/7/5 to 12/10/8/6 seconds
* Removed true sight from Spin Web
* Added some extra movement bonus on higher level Spin Web
* Improved Keeper of the Light''''s movement speed
* Improved Storm Spirit''''s base armor
* Lowered Mirror Image''''s cooldown slightly
* Improved slow on Drunken Haze
* Improved movement bonus on Witchcraft
* Lowered Searing Arrows'''' cooldown
* Improved Reaper''''s Scythe''''s leveling a bit
* Changed Purification''''s damage type to Pure
* Lowered Axe''''s starting Agility and increased his starting Strength
* Lowered Death Coil''''s cooldown
* Improved Undying''''s base armor
* Improved Meepo''''s base Strength
* Increased AOE on Firestorm
* Reduced the search area for Omnislash
* Changed Bloodrage''''s stats a bit
* Lowered level 1 Mana Void''''s manacost
* Lowered Exorcism''''s damage return threshold and cooldown
* Restored Bone Fletcher''''s old Wind Walk speed bonus
* Lowered Geminate''''s attack cooldown
* Slightly improved how Medusa''''s Purge levels

Item Changes:
* Redesigned Eul''''s Scepter of Divinity
* Redesigned Orchid Malevolence
* Redesigned Guinsoo''''s Scythe of Vyse
* Added cooldown to Bottle usage and reduced its sell cost
* Bottle is in full state at all the side shops once again
* Changed how Dagger of Escape works. It cannot be activated if you took damage in the last 3 seconds.
* Added Hyperstone to the Goblin Shop
* Changed Unholy Rage''''s lifesteal type to be the same as regular lifesteal
* Reduced price on Ultimate Orb
* Added Ring of Health to the Goblin Shop
* Added Quarterstaff to the Goblin Shops
* Increased Perseverance''''s damage from 7 to 10
* Added Javelin to the Goblin Shops
* Removed the stack restriction on Shiva''''s Guard
* Improved Vanguard a little
* Changed Lothar''''s Edge''''s recipe and stats
* Reduced Vladmir''''s Offering recipe cost
* Reduced Linken''''s Sphere''''s cooldown
* Removed stacking restriction from Bloodstone and improved its stats
* Improved Helm of the Dominator damage from 10 to 20
* Improved Oblivion Staff mana regen by 25%
* Quarterstaff price reduced
* Hand of Midas can now target level 6 Neutrals (Satyr Hellcaller and Dark Troll Warlord)
* Reduced Void Stone''''s cost by 25 gold
* Improved casting range per level of Dagon upgrade
* Improved Sange and Yasha
* Removed Flying Courier Mana and gave it a Mana base upgrade ability
* Wards now require 5 mana to be placed
* Reduced animation time and cooldown on Manta Style
* Ring of Health''''s regeneration increased by 1

Neutral Related:
* Change some of the Scourge''''s top left forest area
* Changed the locations and distribution of neutral creep camp groups
* Fixed neutral spawn times in various modes
* Reworked the trees and pathing near the small Sentinel creep camp
* Increased neutral creep Centaur''''s aura by 5%
* Added an Alpha Wolf with a command aura in the wolves'''' creep camp
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Ghost with Frost Attack + 2 Fel Beasts)
* Added a new ancient creep camp group (Jungle Stalkers)
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Enraged Wildken with Tornado + 2 Wildkins)
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Dark Troll Warlord with Raise Dead and 1.5 sec Ensnare + 2 Dark Trolls)
* Changed the Furbolg''''s Stomp to a Clap
* Improved Satyr Hellcaller''''s Unholy Aura
* Neutral Ogre no longer autocast Frost Armor
* Changed the location of some of the Scourge creep camps
* Redid neutral creep spawner code for some optimizations

Bug Fixes:
* Recoded impale based effects completely, fixing various ramp bugs, stacking issues and a lot of rare problems. (Burrowstrike, Impale (Lion), Impale (Nerubian Assassin), Ravage)
* Fixed Land Mines to properly detect floating heroes
* Fixed a problem with Huskar''''s Burning Spears that would cause him to swing incorrectly when the enemy is moving
* Fixed some bugs with Wild Axes
* Fixed some color issues on the load screen (kunkka)
* Couriers can no longer use Scroll of Town Portal to make buildings invulnerable
* Fixed Dark Rift from initiating cooldown when cast incorrectly
* Fixed a bug introduced in the recent Aghanim''''s Scepter changes on Crystal Maiden
* Fixed Last Word triggering off of Linken''''s Sphere''''s usage
* Fixed Berserker Rage triggering Essence Aura
* Insatiable Hunger, God''''s Strength and Rampage are no longer removed by Cyclone
* Fixed Javelin''''s odds being slightly off
* Fixed an issue with the Cheese drop from Roshan
* Fixed an issue with Forest Troll High Priest''''s pathing scale
* Fixed some text display problems when viewing replays (thanks DonTomaso)
* Fixed a very minor bug with Elder Form''''s duration
* Fixed Armlet of Mordiggian''''s recipe cooldown
* Fixed typo on Psi Blades
* Fixed some creep death time discrepancies (188461)
* Fixed a very minor bug with the damage mechanism on Shukuchi
* Fixed a display bug with Mode Random
* Fixed a possible abuse with Helm of the Dominator
* Fixed Overload from using its charge when attacking an allied unit
* Fixed Last Word from turning off Electric Rave

* Remade Invoker as promised in 6.49
* Added a new game mode -singledraft or -sd (swiss)
* Improved Sentinel creep pathing on top Sentinel lane
* Adjusted starting gold between all game modes like ap/xl/rd/sd to be the same (all the same as xl) and for randoms to be like ar. Gold is now give at the start and income starts with the first creep wave.
* Income is now distributed in 1 gold intervals instead of in 8 gold intervals (same total gold)
* Added a new experimental command -ah
* Added a new system to detect replays used in -ah and other future applications (thanks PandaMine)
* Changed how the secondary shops work. You can now see their location and click them while in fog.
* Added new visual effect for Orchid Malevolence''''s Soul Burn (JetFango)
* -roll now shows the range the person entered (188889)
* Added a new command -clear to clear game messages from your screen
* Reduced model size and changed the look of the non-ancient Golems
* Added a new command -apm to show your actions per minute
* Couriers can now disassemble items (161180)
* Added text descriptions for power ups (68307)
* Delayed the creep spawn time by 30 seconds in -vr
* Made "Helm of Iron Will" item name consistent between recipes and core, using Helm instead of Helmet.
* Centered swap request notice is given to a player (182779)
* Added -afk that displays how long each player has been idle for
* Added a conditionally available -kickafk command to boot players that have been idle for more than 10 minutes (171984)
* Necronomicon icon now changes per level (190183)
* Changed durations of some power ups (Haste 45->30, Illusion 60->75, Regen 45->30)
* Moon Wells now gather water during night and get drained during day. This has no gameplay impact (60920)
* Added new tooltip text on items showing if they can be disassembled
* Improved tooltip for observer wards to detail the stock mechanics
* Added a new command -courier that toggles idle courier icon on and off (Ro-Coco)
* Added a new command -swapall to request to swap for any hero (175040)
* Improved Shackles caster effect
* Added an additional constant (7) Mana regeneration to Fountains
* Removed replenish interval from buying Clarity Potion (like tangos now)
* Changed Heartstopper pure damage type to HP loss (not a nerf or a buff, just works with things like dagger in a more desirable way)
* Improved Electric Rave icon (169997)
* Improved Luna''''s orb warning message (11333Cool
    #2   meatspinovskiy_doter @ 08.02.08 13:39 [пожаловаться]
    #4   PesdTT @ 08.02.08 13:45 [пожаловаться]   
Изменения в героях:
* Убрали затраты маны на активацию Mana Shield
* Изменён прирост кулдауна с повышением уровня Leap
* Увеличена скорость(бега)
* Внедрена модернизированная система сайленса в зону дейсвтия Black Hole для стопроцентной нейтрализации заклинаний вне зависимости от их времени анимации каста
* Понижен прирост ловкости Drow Ranger
* Изменён ульт Marksmanship Drow Ranger
* Увеличен базовый урон Morphling
* Кулдаун Macropyre не повышается с уровнем
* Теперь Chain Frost отбивается на один раз больше
* Уменьшен дополнительный урон от Sprint
* Увеличен АОЕ Maledict на 15
* Изменён скил Dispersion(Spectre)
* Переделан дизайн Visage
* Увеличен радиус использования Acid Spray
* Изменён прирост характеристик Song of the Siren с уровнем
* Уменьшен кулдаун Shapeshift на высоких уровнях
* Увеличен армор приспешников Enigma Eidolon
* Уменьшен кулдаун и манакост Expulsion
* Увеличена скорость анимация атаки Keeper of the Light
* Увеличен радиус Scattershot с 10-35 до 20-35
* Увеличен базовый интеллект Alchemist и его прирост(интеллекта)
* Немного увеличена зона поражения и дальность Psi Blades
* Улучшен Chemical Rage
* Увеличен прирост силы Phantom Lancer
* Увеличен кулдаун on Psionic Trap from 7 to 14 seconds
* Увеличен лайфстил Insatiable Hunger уровней 2 и 3
* Понижен манакост и кулдаун Replicate
* Увеличена скорость передвижения Troll
* Понижен бонус скорости передвижения и кулдаун Rampage
* Улучшен Spirit Bear Demolish
* Увеличен кулдаун Lightning Storm на 2 секунды
* Понижен кулдаун 4го уровня Metamorphosis с 135 до 110 секунд
* Понижена скорость передвижения Lina на 5
* Улучшен Sand Storm
* Понижено замедление от Ep*center
* Увеличен радиус дейсвтия Drow Ranger Trueshot Aura
* Увеличен прирост кулдауна Insatiable Hunger
* Понижен базовый армор Sven
* Увеличена скорость передвижения Enigma
* Изменена скорость анимации прыжка Paralyzing Casks и их анимационный эффект
* Улучшен Enfeeble
* Увеличен радиус дейсвтия и длительность Auto Fire
* Понижена дальность Blink Queen of Pain на ранних уровнях
* Увеличена скорость передвижения Earthshaker
* За убийство Zombie дают немного меньше денег
* Немного понижен кулдаун Gravechill
* Немного увеличен кулдаун Primal Roar
* Урон от Eclipse базируется на уровне Lucent Beam level и лишён эффекта мини-стана
* Длительность мини-стана от Lucent Beam увеличивается с уровнем. (0.6 level 4 up from a constant 0.01) // то, что в скобках - не осилил
* Понижен манакост Eclipse. Увеличение кулдауна стабильное
* Увеличен радиус использования, уменьшен манакост Lucent Beam
* Увеличен радиус использования Expulsion и Fire Storm
* Немного улучшен Ravage (он стал менее эффективен с переделкой Impale)
* Кулдаун Reverse Polarity теперь одинаковый на всех уровнях
* Кулдаун Queen of Pain Blink Изменён с 12/9/7/5 на 12/10/8/6
* Spin Web лишены true-sight(детект)
* Немного увеличен бонус скорости передвижения внутри Spin Web
* Увеличена сорость передвижения Keeper of the Light
* Увеличен базовый армор Storm Spirit
* Немного понижен кулдаун Mirror Image
* Увеличено замедление от Drunken Haze
* Увеличен бонус скорости передвижения от Witchcraft
* Понижен кулдаун Searing Arrows
* Улучшен прирост характеристик Reaper''s Scythe с уровнем
* Изменён тип урона Purification на Pure(чистый)
* Понижена базовая ловкость Axey и увеличена базовая сила
* Понижен кулдаун Death Coil
* Увеличен базовый армор Undying
* Увеличена базовая сила Meepo
* Изменён баланс Pit of Malice
* Увеличен AOE Firestorm
* Понижен радиус действия Omnislash
* Немного изменены характеристики Bloodrage
* Понижен манакост первого уровня Mana Void
* Понижена кулдаун и возврат урона от Exorcism
* Восстановлен прежний прирост скорости передвижения Wind Walk(Bone Fletcher)
* Понижен кулдаун Geminate Attack
* Немного улучшен прирост характеристик Purge(Medusa) с уровнем

Изменения предметов:
* Изменён дизайн Eul''s Scepter of Divinity
* Изменён дизайн Orchid Malevolence
* Изменён дизайн Guinsoo''s Scythe of Vyse
* Добавлен кулдаун к использованию Bottle и понижена стоимость её продажи
* При покупке Bottle, она снова полная
* Изменено действие Blink Dagger. Он не может быть использован если герой получил какой-либо урон последние три секунды
* Добавлен Hyperstone в Goblin Shop
* Изменён тип лайфстила Unholy Rage. Теперь это обычный лайфстил // интересно, какой был раньше? необычный? Smile
* Понижена цена Ultimate Orb
* Добавлен Ring of Health в Goblin Shop
* Добавлен Quarterstaff в Goblin Shops
* Увеличен бонус урона от Perseverance с 7 до 10
* Добавлен Javelin в Goblin Shops
* Удалён запрет стакания Shiva''s Guard
* Немного улучшен Vanguard
* Изменён рецепт Lothar и его характеристики
* Понижена цена рецепта Vladmir''s Offering
* Понижен кулдаун Linken''s Sphere
* Удалён запрет стакания Bloodstone и увеличены его характеристики
* Увеличен урон Helm of the Dominator с 10 до 20
* Увеличена регенерация маны от Oblivion Staff на 25%
* Цена Quarterstaff понижена
* Hand of Midas теперь действует на нейтралов шестого уровня(Satyr Hellcaller и Dark Troll Warlord)

* Понижена стоимость Voidstone на 25
* С уровнями возрастает радиус использования Dagon
* Улучшены характеристики Sange&Yasha
* Flying Courier лишён маны. Добавлен апгрейд, дающий ему ману
* Добавлено требование 5 маны для использования Ward
* Понижен кулдаун и время анимации Manta Style
* Увеличена регенерация Ring of Health на 1

Изменения нейтральных крипов:
* Изменена некоторая область в северо-западном лесу Scourge
* Изменено распределеение и места расположения групп нейтральных крипов
* Исправлено время спауна нейтральных крипов при разных модах
* Изменены пути и деревья возле маленькой группы крипов Sentinel
* Аура Neutral Centaur улучшена на 5%
* Добавлен Alpha Wolf в группу волков с Command Aura
* Добавлена новая группа нейтральных крипов(1 Ghost с Frost Attack + 2 Fel Beasts)
* Добавлена новая группа ancient нейтральных крипов(Jungle Stalkers)
* Добавлена новая группа нейтральных крипов(1 Enraged Wildken с Tornado + 2 Wildkins)
* Добавлена новая группа нейтральных крипов(1 Dark Troll Warlord с Raise Dead и 1.5-тисекундным Ensnare + 2 Dark Trolls)
* Изменён Stomp на Clap у Furbolg
* Улучшена Unholy Aura(Satyr Hellcaller)
* Neutral Ogre лишён автокаста Frost Armor
* Изменено расположение спавнов некоторых групп Scourge
* Переделана система спавна нейтральных крипов для некоторых улучшений

Исправление багов:
* Полностью переделан эффект Impale, исправляющий множество багов, ошибок стаков(Burrowstrike, Impale (Lion), Impale (Nerubian Assassin), Ravage)
* Исправлено определение надвигающихся героев Land Mines
* Исправлена проблема с Burning Spear(Huskar), которая заставляла его неправильно наносить удар по идущему противнику
* Исправлены некоторые баги Wild Axes
* Исправлены проблемы цвета на экране загрузки (kunkka)
* Courier лишён возможности использовать телепорт для неуязвимости строений
* Исправлено неправильное поглощение кулдауна Dark Rift
* Исправлен баг с неправильным влиянием Aghanim''s Scepter на Crystal Maiden
* Исправлена нейтрализация Last Word Linken''s Sphere
* Исправлена нейтрализация Essence Aura Berserker Rage
* Insatiable Hunger, God''s Strength и Rampage более не сбиваются с помощью Cyclone
* Исправлена вероятность действия Javelin
* Исправлен баг с выпадением Cheese из Roshan
* Исправлен баг с движением Troll High Priest
* Исправлены проблемы отображения текста при просмотре реплеев (thanks DonTomas
* Исправлен небольшой баг с длительностью Elder Form
* Исправлен кулдаун рецепта Armlet
* Исправлена опечатка на Psi Blades
* Исправлено различие смертей(//анимаций, видимо) некоторых крипов (188461)
* Исправлен небольшой баг с системой действия Shukuchi
* Исправлен баг отображения при моде Random
* Предотвращён возможный абуз Helm of the Dominator
* Исправлен баг, тратящий заряд Overload при атаке союзного крипа
* Исправлена нейтрализация Electric Rave Last Word

* Переделан Invoker, как и обещалось в 6.49
* Добавлен новый мод -singledraft / -sd (swiss)
* Улучшены пути крипов Sentinel на северной линии
* Стартовое золото на модах ap/xl/rd/sd стало таким же, как и на всех рандомах типа ar. Золото даётся на старте, а прирост начинается с выходом первой волны крипов.
* Прирост золота теперь по 1 золоту, а не по 8. Прирост не изменён
* Добавлена тестовая команда -ah
* Добавлена новая система определения реплеев, которая используется в -ah и для будущих приложений (thanks PandaMine)
* Изменена работа secondary shop. Теперь их можно видеть и выбирать их сквозь туман.
* Добавлен новый визуальны эффект для Orchid''s Soul Burn (JetFang
* -roll теперь показывает радиус до написавшего (188889)
* Добавлена новая команда -clear для стирания всех сообщений с экрана
* Понижен размер модели и изменён внешний вид non-ancient Golem
* Добавлена новая команда -apm, которая показывает текущий параметр "действий в минуту"
* Couriers теперь могут разбирать вещи(disassemble) (161180)
* Добавлены текстовые описания рун (68307)
* На 30 секунд задержен респаун первой волны при -vr
* Made "Helm of Iron Will" item name consistent between recipes and core, using Helm instead of Helmet. // не осилил
* Центрирован запрос на свап героя (182779)
* Добавлена команда -afk, показывающая сколько секунд неактивны игроки
* Добавлена команда -kickafk, позволяющая кикать игроков неактивных более 10 минут (171984)
* Иконка Necronomicon теперь меняется с уровнем (190183)
* Изменена длительность дейсвтия рун(Haste 45->30, Illusion 60->75, Regen 45->30)
* Moon Wells(колодцы) теперь пополняются водой ночью, и опустошаются днём. Это никак не влияет на игру (60920)
* Добавлено текстовое замечание, позволяющее видеть, что вещь может быть разобрана(disassemble)
* Улучшено описание Observer Wards для более понятного отличия
* Добавлена команда -courier, показывающая используется ли кем-либо Courier (Ro-Coc
* Добавлена команда -swapall для запроса свапа со всеми героями (175040)
* Изменён эффект Shackles
* Добавлен дополнительный прирост маны +7 маны в секунду от фонтанов
* Удалён кулдаун покупки Clarity Potion
* Изменён тип чистого урона от Heartstopper (это не понижение, это лишь изменение)
* Изменена иконка Electric Rave (169997)
* Изменено предупреждение стака орбов Luna (11333Cool
    #5   FS @ 08.02.08 14:20 [пожаловаться]   
#4 респект неимоверный!
    #6   Screamerr @ 08.02.08 14:21 [пожаловаться]   
Mad Razz
    #7   minifisker @ 08.02.08 14:22 [пожаловаться]   
6.50 Changelog

Hero Changes:
* Removed manacost on Mana Shield activation
* Changed Leap''''s cooldown to scale with levels
* Improved Juggernaut''''s movement speed
* Implemented a better silencing mechanism in the Black Hole area to prevent spell execution regardless of cast animation time
* Lowered Drow Ranger''''s Agility gain per level
* Changed Drow Ranger''''s Marksmanship ultimate
* Increased Morphling''''s base damage
* Macropyre''''s cooldown no longer increases per level
* Added an extra bounce to Chain Frost
* Reduced Sprint''''s damage amplification
* Increased Maledict''''s area of effect by 15
* Changed Spectre''''s Dispersion
* Redesigned Visage
* Improved casting range on Acid Spray
* Changed how Song of the Siren levels up
* Reduced cooldown on high level Shapeshift
* Improved armor on Enigma''''s Eidolons
* Reduced Expulsion''''s cooldown and manacost
* Improved Keeper of the Light''''s attack animation
* Improved Scattershot''''s damage range from 10-35 to 20-35
* Improved Alchemist''''s base Intelligence and growth
* Slightly improved Psi Blades'''' spill width and range
* Improved Chemical Rage
* Increased Phantom Lancer''''s Strength gain
* Increased cooldown on Psionic Trap from 7 to 14 seconds
* Improved lifesteal on level 2 and 3 Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced Replicate''''s manacost and cooldown
* Improved Troll''''s base movement speed
* Decreased Rampage''''s movement speed bonus and cooldown
* Improved Spirit Bear''''s Demolish
* Increased Lightning Storm''''s cooldown by 2 seconds
* Reduced cooldown on level 4 Metamorphosis from 135 to 110 seconds
* Reduced Lina''''s movement speed by 5
* Improved Sand Storm
* Reduced the slow on Sand King ultimate
* Improved range on Drow Ranger''''s Trueshot Aura
* Improved cooldown progression on Insatiable Hunger
* Reduced Sven''''s base armor
* Improved Enigma''''s movement speed
* Modified initial projectile speed and effect on Paralyzing Casks
* Improved Enfeeble
* Improved Auto Fire''''s area of effect and duration
* Reduced Queen of Pain''''s Blink range at early levels
* Improved Earthshaker''''s movement speed
* Zombies now give a bit less bounty
* Reduced Gravechill''''s cooldown a bit
* Increased Primal Roar''''s cooldown a little bit
* Eclipse''''s damage is based on Lucent Beam level and doesn''''t ministun
* Lucent Beam ministun duration increases per level (0.6 level 4 up from a constant 0.01)
* Lowered Eclipse''''s manacost and gave it constant cooldown progression
* Increased Lucent Beam''''s casting range and lowered manacost slightly
* Improved cast range on Expulsion and Fire Storm
* Improved Ravage a little (it became slightly less effective with the Impale recodes)
* Reverse Polarity''''s cooldown is now the same on all levels
* Changes Queen of Pain''''s blink cooldown from 12/9/7/5 to 12/10/8/6 seconds
* Removed true sight from Spin Web
* Added some extra movement bonus on higher level Spin Web
* Improved Keeper of the Light''''s movement speed
* Improved Storm Spirit''''s base armor
* Lowered Mirror Image''''s cooldown slightly
* Improved slow on Drunken Haze
* Improved movement bonus on Witchcraft
* Lowered Searing Arrows'''' cooldown
* Improved Reaper''''s Scythe''''s leveling a bit
* Changed Purification''''s damage type to Pure
* Lowered Axe''''s starting Agility and increased his starting Strength
* Lowered Death Coil''''s cooldown
* Improved Undying''''s base armor
* Improved Meepo''''s base Strength
* Increased AOE on Firestorm
* Reduced the search area for Omnislash
* Changed Bloodrage''''s stats a bit
* Lowered level 1 Mana Void''''s manacost
* Lowered Exorcism''''s damage return threshold and cooldown
* Restored Bone Fletcher''''s old Wind Walk speed bonus
* Lowered Geminate''''s attack cooldown
* Slightly improved how Medusa''''s Purge levels

Item Changes:
* Redesigned Eul''''s Scepter of Divinity
* Redesigned Orchid Malevolence
* Redesigned Guinsoo''''s Scythe of Vyse
* Added cooldown to Bottle usage and reduced its sell cost
* Bottle is in full state at all the side shops once again
* Changed how Dagger of Escape works. It cannot be activated if you took damage in the last 3 seconds.
* Added Hyperstone to the Goblin Shop
* Changed Unholy Rage''''s lifesteal type to be the same as regular lifesteal
* Reduced price on Ultimate Orb
* Added Ring of Health to the Goblin Shop
* Added Quarterstaff to the Goblin Shops
* Increased Perseverance''''s damage from 7 to 10
* Added Javelin to the Goblin Shops
* Removed the stack restriction on Shiva''''s Guard
* Improved Vanguard a little
* Changed Lothar''''s Edge''''s recipe and stats
* Reduced Vladmir''''s Offering recipe cost
* Reduced Linken''''s Sphere''''s cooldown
* Removed stacking restriction from Bloodstone and improved its stats
* Improved Helm of the Dominator damage from 10 to 20
* Improved Oblivion Staff mana regen by 25%
* Quarterstaff price reduced
* Hand of Midas can now target level 6 Neutrals (Satyr Hellcaller and Dark Troll Warlord)
* Reduced Void Stone''''s cost by 25 gold
* Improved casting range per level of Dagon upgrade
* Improved Sange and Yasha
* Removed Flying Courier Mana and gave it a Mana base upgrade ability
* Wards now require 5 mana to be placed
* Reduced animation time and cooldown on Manta Style
* Ring of Health''''s regeneration increased by 1

Neutral Related:
* Change some of the Scourge''''s top left forest area
* Changed the locations and distribution of neutral creep camp groups
* Fixed neutral spawn times in various modes
* Reworked the trees and pathing near the small Sentinel creep camp
* Increased neutral creep Centaur''''s aura by 5%
* Added an Alpha Wolf with a command aura in the wolves'''' creep camp
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Ghost with Frost Attack + 2 Fel Beasts)
* Added a new ancient creep camp group (Jungle Stalkers)
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Enraged Wildken with Tornado + 2 Wildkins)
* Added a new creep camp group (1 Dark Troll Warlord with Raise Dead and 1.5 sec Ensnare + 2 Dark Trolls)
* Changed the Furbolg''''s Stomp to a Clap
* Improved Satyr Hellcaller''''s Unholy Aura
* Neutral Ogre no longer autocast Frost Armor
* Changed the location of some of the Scourge creep camps
* Redid neutral creep spawner code for some optimizations

Bug Fixes:
* Recoded impale based effects completely, fixing various ramp bugs, stacking issues and a lot of rare problems. (Burrowstrike, Impale (Lion), Impale (Nerubian Assassin), Ravage)
* Fixed Land Mines to properly detect floating heroes
* Fixed a problem with Huskar''''s Burning Spears that would cause him to swing incorrectly when the enemy is moving
* Fixed some bugs with Wild Axes
* Fixed some color issues on the load screen (kunkka)
* Couriers can no longer use Scroll of Town Portal to make buildings invulnerable
* Fixed Dark Rift from initiating cooldown when cast incorrectly
* Fixed a bug introduced in the recent Aghanim''''s Scepter changes on Crystal Maiden
* Fixed Last Word triggering off of Linken''''s Sphere''''s usage
* Fixed Berserker Rage triggering Essence Aura
* Insatiable Hunger, God''''s Strength and Rampage are no longer removed by Cyclone
* Fixed Javelin''''s odds being slightly off
* Fixed an issue with the Cheese drop from Roshan
* Fixed an issue with Forest Troll High Priest''''s pathing scale
* Fixed some text display problems when viewing replays (thanks DonTomaso)
* Fixed a very minor bug with Elder Form''''s duration
* Fixed Armlet of Mordiggian''''s recipe cooldown
* Fixed typo on Psi Blades
* Fixed some creep death time discrepancies (188461)
* Fixed a very minor bug with the damage mechanism on Shukuchi
* Fixed a display bug with Mode Random
* Fixed a possible abuse with Helm of the Dominator
* Fixed Overload from using its charge when attacking an allied unit
* Fixed Last Word from turning off Electric Rave

* Remade Invoker as promised in 6.49
* Added a new game mode -singledraft or -sd (swiss)
* Improved Sentinel creep pathing on top Sentinel lane
* Adjusted starting gold between all game modes like ap/xl/rd/sd to be the same (all the same as xl) and for randoms to be like ar. Gold is now give at the start and income starts with the first creep wave.
* Income is now distributed in 1 gold intervals instead of in 8 gold intervals (same total gold)
* Added a new experimental command -ah
* Added a new system to detect replays used in -ah and other future applications (thanks PandaMine)
* Changed how the secondary shops work. You can now see their location and click them while in fog.
* Added new visual effect for Orchid Malevolence''''s Soul Burn (JetFango)
* -roll now shows the range the person entered (188889)
* Added a new command -clear to clear game messages from your screen
* Reduced model size and changed the look of the non-ancient Golems
* Added a new command -apm to show your actions per minute
* Couriers can now disassemble items (161180)
* Added text descriptions for power ups (68307)
* Delayed the creep spawn time by 30 seconds in -vr
* Made "Helm of Iron Will" item name consistent between recipes and core, using Helm instead of Helmet.
* Centered swap request notice is given to a player (182779)
* Added -afk that displays how long each player has been idle for
* Added a conditionally available -kickafk command to boot players that have been idle for more than 10 minutes (171984)
* Necronomicon icon now changes per level (190183)
* Changed durations of some power ups (Haste 45->30, Illusion 60->75, Regen 45->30)
* Moon Wells now gather water during night and get drained during day. This has no gameplay impact (60920)
* Added new tooltip text on items showing if they can be disassembled
* Improved tooltip for observer wards to detail the stock mechanics
* Added a new command -courier that toggles idle courier icon on and off (Ro-Coco)
* Added a new command -swapall to request to swap for any hero (175040)
* Improved Shackles caster effect
* Added an additional constant (7) Mana regeneration to Fountains
* Removed replenish interval from buying Clarity Potion (like tangos now)
* Changed Heartstopper pure damage type to HP loss (not a nerf or a buff, just works with things like dagger in a more desirable way)
* Improved Electric Rave icon (169997)
* Improved Luna''''s orb warning message (11333
    #8   HeartBreaKid @ 08.02.08 14:53 [пожаловаться]   
    #9   FairPlay @ 08.02.08 15:14 [пожаловаться]   
6.50b Changelog
* Fixed a bunch of bugs reported
    #10   Mikola @ 10.02.08 15:17 [пожаловаться]   
Ненавижу фрога
    #11   WC3InSide.Phobia @ 10.02.08 15:20 [пожаловаться]   
#10 - думаешь, он тебя любит? Arrow
    #13   Di.Sie @ 11.02.08 09:23 [пожаловаться]   
    #14   Karasev_riba @ 12.02.08 05:09 [пожаловаться]   
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