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    #1   АРХЕОЛОГИ АУ @ 20.08.07 11:12 [пожаловаться]   
Финский игрок natu, известный своими выступлениями за 4Kings и 69N-28E, присоеденился к немецокй команде mTw:
neo (Германия)
bara (Германия)
nooky (Германия)
uLTi (Австрия)
natu (Финляндия) тут вы можете посмотреть его достижения...
    #3   mze- @ 20.08.07 12:50 [пожаловаться]   
#2 ))
    #4   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:10 [пожаловаться]   
#2 FIXer
    #6   WC]SPA @ 20.08.07 13:27 [пожаловаться]   
5 лети в бан дружок
    #8   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:36 [пожаловаться]   
6 +70000000000000 Laughing Laughing Laughing

НАРОД... зашёл я на СК..гейминг ..на
форум ..про то читерил ли Ксеня или нет читайте утверждения^pro:

NiP|miniw @ 2007-08-09 03:29:15
hm, some of the clips he's just like running around looking stupid. like he's trying to hide it but he doesn't know how to. like the awp saveround in b2, train. he knows he's not in the slope but still checks the whole slope instead of saving time. most players would look towards ctspawn? but instead he's keeping the gun towards the ct Smile running around like that just dont work :p he did some wierd stuff like aiming wierd, but nothing to really, really prove it. hard to tell Smile
    #9   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:38 [пожаловаться]   
ОТВЕТ русских.......

#75 Male online Begrip|hooch_1G @ 2007-08-09 10:19:13
well if ur talking about random smoke kill - watch tihOp's demo and see the round when he picks me on plato with 32 bits , still didnt see me there in his demo :[

and pls watch demo with sound not this crappy video(talking about xenitron)
    #10   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:39 [пожаловаться]   
#85 Male offline AgAt|CHRYSLER @ 2007-08-09 12:07:40
Twista, stop whining.
If I will select some moments of your and tihop gameplay at this match and will make some movie, atleast 70% of online kiddos will blame you as cheaters both Smile
When it comes about you it's a luck, skill, whatever bullshit you choose, but when some russian guy is demonstrating REALLY GREAT performance it's a cheat ? You are so ridiculous.
Whatch in-eyes demos of these guys @ ESWC 2007 and make more movies Smile After that you'll prove they're cheating @ LAN.

BTW, as far as I know, you guys are invited to participate @ ASUS Summer 2007 in Moscow. 69N-28E won previous ASUS, you can go there and show us your nightmare smoke skills and intuitive Counter-Strike @ LAN against Begrip or forZe or VP Smile

So, prove yourself by your deeds, not by your spamming online forums Smile
    #12   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:44 [пожаловаться]   
И наконец ответ ОТЦА !

#101 Male online Begrip|Xenitron @ 2007-08-09 14:07:58
I have seen this thread by randomly way and I have nothing to tell people who have read this because it is full nonsense, I have looked these videos and it is possible to make such videos thousand. And Im surprised that it writes the most known hacker earlier in Finland. Only kid can made such movies. You are bad loser. See you on LAN tournament.
    #13   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:47 [пожаловаться]   
ХУЧЧЧЧЧЧЧЧЧ отжог вашше ..........

#115 Male online Begrip|hooch_1G @ 2007-08-09 14:56:54
almost same smoke kill - download tihOps demo on d2 and see when he picks b2.
and twista its so funny seeing you accuse someone cheating when u used to be not that clean ?

Twista back to days -
    #14   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:49 [пожаловаться]   
ТВИСТА возмужал после 125 постов и отвечает

#127 Male online Twista- @ 2007-08-09 15:41:23
#115 Very HappyDD where is ur eyes man Very Happy hltv demo and that guy is like lagging few steps forward? have u wondered why? Oh wait a sec... u dont know that HLTV demo is lagging... Way the go man Very Happy and I asked everyones opinion... and I have heard urs... so shh.
    #15   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:52 [пожаловаться]   
Казахи по ходу вмешались к23 !

#149 Male offline K2030|MuMiNo @ 2007-08-09 17:14:15
Lol...what the..xenitron is not cheater!

    #16   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:54 [пожаловаться]   
КСенитрон унижает ))))))))0

Begrip|Xenitron @ 2007-08-09 17:33:21
more comments please, we have to listen opinion of each member from this site, kinda funny to read forums. You are now public clown Twista, my congrats.
    #17   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:57 [пожаловаться]   
походу полно предателей РОДИНЫ...

#183 Male online iLu- @ 2007-08-09 19:26:40
lmao since xenitron posted here i am pretty sure he really hacks.
    #18   Ronin @ 20.08.07 13:59 [пожаловаться]   
ХУЧ не стерпел

#201 Male online Begrip|hooch_1G @ 2007-08-09 20:36:38
jika i cant understand how cs game is connected to politics , if u got bad attitude to our president ( i dont know why Smile and btw reading 1 book doesnt show you anything ) pls keep it in you . I could comment that removement of russian monuments, removing russian language in schools and bad attitude to russian guys in estonia and so on , but i dont use this shit to make a nice joke or to cheer for some moika apina mate like you do .

#171 tempt|NapuliX @ 2007-08-09 18:41:15

It's so sad people can't discuss things without pituful insults and shit. Grow up ppl and make those comments worth reading.

well what u expected when someone accusing another one on cheating ? and such comments like "grow up ppl and make those comments worth reading" are not worth reading either .
    #20   Ronin @ 20.08.07 14:02 [пожаловаться]   
Всё ТВИСТА сдался.

Twista- @ 2007-08-10 14:31:39
Well mby he doesn`t cheat... who knows for sure. But in my opinion he does, and players from NiP, MYM, 69N, SK and dignitas sayd that he cheats. Over and Out. GL in EC.
    #21   Ronin @ 20.08.07 14:04 [пожаловаться]   
Грузины..походу поддерживают и пишут что любят Путина.! РОФЛ

#267 Male offline MiM-|Styl3r- @ 2007-08-11 00:13:41
Oh, oh, come on, speaking of politics, it's not a forums or bbc ones, it's a gaming forum, where player, which lost to Russian team, very strong one and very respectfull, blames one of best players in Russia and former soviet union that he was cheating..

that's all.. guys, relax, take it easy Very Happy Logitech guys: writing some posts, rendering movies about Xenitron cheating won't help anything..

P.S. I love putin !

Hooch and Co, best of luck on WCG Russia !
    #22   Connor- @ 20.08.07 14:06 [пожаловаться]   
азер, угаманись!
    #23   Ronin @ 20.08.07 14:07 [пожаловаться]   
#19 Кретин ты.... посмотри как я всё чётко изложил.. талпарик.. не суйся с комментами ко мне..ты КАСТОЙ ниже сцукан. не пиши вашше в мой адресс.. лузер чёртов. зюганов млять.
    #24   Ronin @ 20.08.07 14:08 [пожаловаться]   
#22 всё норм. а если не норм.. тогда заткнись ублюдок.
    #25   Connor- @ 20.08.07 14:10 [пожаловаться]   
#24 ни че не норм, #19 +1
    #26   6lEBoTa_KASMoNaFTa @ 20.08.07 15:14 [пожаловаться]   
блин вы ещё с англ переведите плиз! не все понял
    #27   Qui-zZz-3R @ 20.08.07 15:21 [пожаловаться]   
а нах...вы здесь это всё развели?
    #28   1 @ 20.08.07 15:42 [пожаловаться]   
Что за тема осуждения! Ваще Rolling Eyes
    #29   Джони Доп @ 20.08.07 17:06 [пожаловаться]   
ронин долбень пестец ваще
    #30   АРХЕОЛОГИ АУ @ 20.08.07 17:15 [пожаловаться]   
ваще пи*тато, что тема про нату))
    #32   kamikaze @ 21.08.07 00:46 [пожаловаться]   
Респектище AgAt|CHRYSLER''у дело говорит... Как сами странно играть, это норм ))) а как русский парень нахуячил всей команде, это писец ))) Уважуха ))

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