#25 а тогда вот это что значит?
NonStop|SpleX на +#cyberarena.tv @#nonstop @#RedSox @#pG.private @#pro.rus @#high.area @#topstars @#high-skill.ru @#aim.ru @#megasprayed @#topmix @#oneshot @#known.ru @#hardplayers +#club.invite +#invitepark +#team.hoAx
NonStop|SpleX использует *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
NonStop|SpleX is authed as MorsetoN
NonStop|SpleX End of /WHOIS list.
NonStop|SpleX на +#cyberarena.tv @#nonstop @#RedSox @#pG.private @#pro.rus @#high.area @#topstars @#high-skill.ru @#aim.ru @#megasprayed @#topmix @#oneshot @#known.ru @#hardplayers +#club.invite +#invitepark +#team.hoAx
NonStop|SpleX использует *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
NonStop|SpleX is authed as MorsetoN
NonStop|SpleX End of /WHOIS list.
Shut Up and Squat.
NonStop|SpleX на +#cyberarena.tv @#nonstop @#RedSox @#pG.private @#pro.rus @#high.area @#topstars @#high-skill.ru @#aim.ru @#megasprayed @#topmix @#oneshot @#known.ru @#hardplayers +#club.invite +#invitepark +#team.hoAx
NonStop|SpleX использует *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
NonStop|SpleX is authed as MorsetoN
NonStop|SpleX End of /WHOIS list.