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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #1
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #2

bRAZILR_ @ 26.07.09 21:34 |
26 июля 2009 г.
23:28 - Mr0x #.: ae cara
23:28 - BRAZIL: what?
23:29 - Mr0x #.: enter community source?
23:29 - BRAZIL: nonono
23:29 - Mr0x #.: why?
23:29 - BRAZIL: kakoy nahuy source
23:29 - Mr0x #.: enter help
23:29 - BRAZIL: for?
23:29 - BRAZIL: for what?
23:29 - BRAZIL: bad english O_O
23:30 - Mr0x #.: yeah
23:30 - BRAZIL: you is mydk?
23:30 - Mr0x #.: no
23:30 - BRAZIL: aga
23:30 - BRAZIL: ?
23:30 - Mr0x #.: n
23:30 - BRAZIL: 
23:30 - BRAZIL: pnh
23:30 - BRAZIL: from?
23:30 - Mr0x #.: enter community?
23:30 - BRAZIL: No
23:30 - Mr0x #.: brazil
23:31 - BRAZIL: O_O Russia
23:31 - Mr0x #.: please
23:31 - BRAZIL: do you looking mibr?
23:31 - Mr0x #.: yes 
23:31 - BRAZIL: see the mibr?
23:31 - BRAZIL: talking?
23:31 - Mr0x #.: y
23:31 - BRAZIL: it's a my favorite team O_O
23:32 - BRAZIL: after virtus.pro =)
23:32 - Mr0x #.: they live near my house
23:32 - BRAZIL: cool
23:33 - BRAZIL: give cogu THE HELLO from bazil
23:33 - BRAZIL: from me
23:33 - Mr0x #.: yeah
23:33 - BRAZIL: ))
bRAZILR_ @ 26.07.09 21:35 |
я в шоке, какойто бразилец просил вступить в группу в стиме
bRAZILR_ @ 26.07.09 21:38 |
23:34 - Mr0x #.: I have the community of their neighborhood
23:35 - Mr0x #.: http://www.linkws.com/proc/superProc.jsp
23:35 - BRAZIL: f*ck.. they will going to gamegune in mexico?
23:35 - Mr0x #.: oups
23:35 - Mr0x #.: http://steancomunit.vndv.com/mibr.html
23:36 - Mr0x #.: think so
23:36 - Mr0x #.: enter community
23:36 - BRAZIL: ok
23:36 - BRAZIL: http://www.linkws.com/proc/superProc.jsp
23:36 - BRAZIL: this?
23:36 - Mr0x #.: http://steancomunit.vndv.com/mibr.html
23:36 - Mr0x #.: http://steancomunit.vndv.com/mibr.html
23:36 - BRAZIL: yeah
23:36 - Mr0x #.: you come to Brazil?
23:37 - BRAZIL: no money )

обшение продолжаетса
Dambo[UnlimiteD] @ 26.07.09 22:07 |
я понял только то,что бразилец играет в соурс 
з.ы.мое мнение о бразильце изменилось в худшую сторону
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