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    #1   ieS.DangeR @ 02.07.09 01:22 [пожаловаться]
    #2   Гараж 36484 @ 02.07.09 01:23 [пожаловаться]   
Ну ты понимаешь =)
    #3   withоut nick @ 02.07.09 01:23 [пожаловаться]   
Rolling Eyes Arrow
    #4   по пиздятине с ноги @ 02.07.09 01:25 [пожаловаться]   
Shocked Arrow
    #5   ieS.DangeR @ 02.07.09 01:25 [пожаловаться]   
Shockedвы хоть ссылку открывали ? Shocked
    #7   V4nz0r vbb @ 02.07.09 01:25 [пожаловаться]   
№1 спс мышку сломал
    #6   Гараж 36484 @ 02.07.09 01:25 [пожаловаться]   
Another Addition to the Ban List
« on: Today at 04:54:10 PM »

Today WGS announces our ban on a Roze Player that goes by the nick name Ar1stocrat.
The matter was brought to our attention since Week 1 of WGL Season V Qualifiers, we tried to look in to it and never found a good proof against this player until now recently.
The proof was brought by one of sfto's manager sfto.ForgotteN, we thank him very much in the support of all of this.

We are posting the link to this proof of hacking which you can find at the bottom of this post.
and btw the first picture, where u can see through fog of war, that's a glitch in replay system, back in nggl we thought that was mh and took a better look and we found out it wasnt because there were other replays that did it(actually all of them did).

As you can see there are 3 screenshots within this file, first one with a fog of war, 2nd and 3rd about the Pandaren Brewmaster.

Same matter occurred back in NGGL, when someone was claimed hacking due to a replay, that if you look at one point of view, you can see the other side's base. We found this to be a false claim because all other replays has the same effect. We find this replay/screenshots different from all the others, because THIS replay/picture is different from all the others..

If you examine the first picture, you can actually see the Well's usage effect with the little glowing light coming out on top of it. THIS NEVER HAPPENED in other replays.

The 2nd and 3rd picture. This is legit proof, you cannot click an enemy unit with a fog of war. Even when your the observer they come out as a yellow circle, not a red circle..

We find this proof legit and we are assured now and Ar1stocrat. if officially banned from all of WGS activities.

A side note, for the recent Roze Vs sfto, all of Ar1stocrat. games will be counted as a forfeit. Therefore resulting: Roze 1-4 sfto
rG Vs Roze will still be counted since Ar1stocrat. was not involved in the match.

Finally Roze will receive 3.0PP under rule 11.5.8 Which states:
"Use of unapproved 3rd party programs (~3.0 and expulsion from WGS)"
(Expulsion only applied for Ar1stocrat. since it wasn't the team that was proved hacking)

Updated Banlist:
Proof Source:
Переведите на русский кто нибудь Shocked
    #8   withоut nick @ 02.07.09 01:26 [пожаловаться]   
View Profile

Another Addition to the Ban List
« on: Today at 04:54:10 PM »

Today WGS announces our ban on a Roze Player that goes by the nick name Ar1stocrat.
The matter was brought to our attention since Week 1 of WGL Season V Qualifiers, we tried to look in to it and never found a good proof against this player until now recently.
The proof was brought by one of sfto's manager sfto.ForgotteN, we thank him very much in the support of all of this.

We are posting the link to this proof of hacking which you can find at the bottom of this post.
and btw the first picture, where u can see through fog of war, that's a glitch in replay system, back in nggl we thought that was mh and took a better look and we found out it wasnt because there were other replays that did it(actually all of them did).

As you can see there are 3 screenshots within this file, first one with a fog of war, 2nd and 3rd about the Pandaren Brewmaster.

Same matter occurred back in NGGL, when someone was claimed hacking due to a replay, that if you look at one point of view, you can see the other side's base. We found this to be a false claim because all other replays has the same effect. We find this replay/screenshots different from all the others, because THIS replay/picture is different from all the others..

If you examine the first picture, you can actually see the Well's usage effect with the little glowing light coming out on top of it. THIS NEVER HAPPENED in other replays.

The 2nd and 3rd picture. This is legit proof, you cannot click an enemy unit with a fog of war. Even when your the observer they come out as a yellow circle, not a red circle..

We find this proof legit and we are assured now and Ar1stocrat. if officially banned from all of WGS activities.

A side note, for the recent Roze Vs sfto, all of Ar1stocrat. games will be counted as a forfeit. Therefore resulting: Roze 1-4 sfto
rG Vs Roze will still be counted since Ar1stocrat. was not involved in the match.

Finally Roze will receive 3.0PP under rule 11.5.8 Which states:
"Use of unapproved 3rd party programs (~3.0 and expulsion from WGS)"
(Expulsion only applied for Ar1stocrat. since it wasn't the team that was proved hacking)

Updated Banlist:
Proof Source:
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
    #9   Гараж 36484 @ 02.07.09 01:27 [пожаловаться]   
Короче аристократа в использовании мапхака спалили Smile
    #10   born2rage @ 02.07.09 01:28 [пожаловаться]   
Mad Mad
    #11   withоut nick @ 02.07.09 01:29 [пожаловаться]   
кто такой аристократ? Confused
    #12   ieS.DangeR @ 02.07.09 01:29 [пожаловаться]   
удивительно что он столько играл с хаком и не палился...я уже сам начинал верить что он не мх до сегоднешнего дня Shocked
    #13   Гараж 36484 @ 02.07.09 01:30 [пожаловаться]   
#12 Расскиажи поподробнее ShockedТипо он всё ето время на лигах всегда с мх играл? Shocked
    #14   Navi]SlavlkSPB @ 02.07.09 01:31 [пожаловаться]   
Парни, вы не шарите: выделения ничего не значат.
    #15   ieS.DangeR @ 02.07.09 01:31 [пожаловаться]   
помоему он всю жизнь с мх играл))) давно у него ник был Skady его спалили и забанили,дальше он создал новый ник Ar1stocrat...и всё заново)
    #16   Гараж 36484 @ 02.07.09 01:33 [пожаловаться]   
#15 оппачки , тот самый скади? Surprised
    #18   Navi]SlavlkSPB @ 02.07.09 01:35 [пожаловаться]   
Неужели есть те, кто не знает Скади и то, что Ar1stocrat = Скадя. Чесслово удивительно.
    #19   V4nz0r vbb @ 02.07.09 01:37 [пожаловаться]   
№17 Arrow
Спс сломал мышку
    #21   Navi]SlavlkSPB @ 02.07.09 01:38 [пожаловаться]   
#20 И я о том же, всегда говорил, что выделения ничего не значат! Это как бы и ежу понятно О_О
    #22   ieS.DangeR @ 02.07.09 01:39 [пожаловаться]   
а хахахахах )))
    #23   Torchic @ 02.07.09 01:39 [пожаловаться]   
Абсолютно глупое доказательноство, админы WGS видимо всех русских и украинцев решила забанить...
    #24   withоut nick @ 02.07.09 01:41 [пожаловаться]   
вакрафтер чтоль? Confused
    #25   Гараж 36484 @ 02.07.09 01:41 [пожаловаться]   
#20 Ну давай значит тащи 36484=)

Very Happy Smile Sad Surprised Shocked Confused Cool Laughing Mad Razz Embarassed Crying or Very sad Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Wink Exclamation Question Idea Arrow

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