Привет посаны! Сегодня я вам расскажу про отличный способ найти новые знакомства по всему миру, выговориться совершенно незнакомому человеку или просто весело поболтать вместе с каким-нибудь эквадорским каэсером.
Все это можно найти на сайте http://www.omegle.com (ссылка некликабельна)
Принцип работы очень прост — вы заходите туда, нажимаете единственную кнопочку, и компьютерная машина случайным образом выбирает настоящего живого собеседника, который точно также нажал на кнопочку, только где-нибудь в другом конце света. Всё, можно изливать душу и обсуждать планы захвата Вселенной.
Для примера мой разговор с китайцем:
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: 17 male china
You: 36484
Stranger: ?
You: perehodi ebl
You: like ur avtoprom?
You: they are faker
You: s
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
зы предлагаю 074К3
зыы школота идет лесом
Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: u from
You: Rus
Stranger: taiwan?
You: no
You: why taiwan?)
Stranger: ok
You: you from?
Stranger: i'm taiwan
You: OT4Ke
Stranger: JOSEPH ?
You: yes
You: Are you my Katty?
Stranger: i can be :]
You: yeah
You: From?
You: hey
You: Why are you isn't speak?
Stranger: brazil and u?
Stranger: sorry
You: So
You: I like your country
You: Kaka Ronaldo)
You: The best footbal team ^__^
You: Are you like footbal or beatch fotball far more better?
Stranger: ROONALDO *-*
You: Are you like footbal or beatch fotball far more better?
Stranger: wait a minute
You: Ok
You: where are you man?)
Stranger: vsf -'-
You: Hello
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: asl?
You: How r u?
You: What?
Stranger: tell me ''.
Stranger: fine
Stranger: age sex location
Stranger: hehe
You: Do you like eat shit? O_O
You: I know all about you
You: That you it shit!
You: 36484, do you eat shit BITCH?!!!!
Stranger: fuc-.-k you
Stranger: hi !!
Asl =] ?
You: Hello! Do you want view me at photo?
Stranger: No i'dont wanna porno
You: Meatspin.com
You: Erotic...
You: about me...
You: look...
You: Do you enjoy it?
Stranger: Yes
Stranger: hi
Stranger: from
Stranger: hi
You: Hi
You: Russian Federation
Stranger: 1 am trk
Stranger: sex?
Stranger: age?
You: yes, i like sex
You: 20 years
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: Ты не браблеевский?) (думал сама судьбы свела о__о)))
Stranger: дарова
Stranger: нет я с Казани
You: Ах))
You: Откуда о сайте узнал?
You: 36484
Stranger: да так на форуме одном ссылка
You: Ааа
You: Казань - красивый город йопте как и девшонки ваши)
Stranger: Austalia - че ето ? )
You: НУ сцуко они с русскими мол не общаюцца
You: JIиDарки буржуйские
Stranger: Татарки же
You: Ну да ))
You: Особенно метиски ммм
You: Как звать?
Stranger: Вано
You: Ванчо йопте ^^
Stranger: так ты откуда счас пишешь?
You: Из дома наверн О___О
You: А вааще Я с Астаны - знакомо? ))
Stranger: понятно
You: Лан ван гл 36484 заходи на форум сайта proplay.ru - не пожалеешь -_-
Stranger: удачи
Stranger: hi i'm a 19 year old male looking to talk to someone who speaks english
You: from?
You: ok
Stranger: usa
You: i am gey O_O
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: salut
You: hi
Stranger: ca va?
You: you from 36484?
Stranger: 36484?
Stranger: whats that?
You: this.... codename my city
You: so.. you from?
Stranger: france
Stranger: je suis francais
Stranger: et tu?
You: na tebya proizvedena o7ake brablay 36484!!!
You: USovec
You: hello
You: asl
You: ?
Stranger: hello
Stranger: 20m
You: 20female
You: :O
Stranger: ah very good
Stranger: where ya from?
You: I'm from Jopa, and you?
Stranger: ireland
You: It's jopa too?
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hellou
Stranger: A/S/L?
You: 22 yakitua krasnopezdinsk
Stranger: Excuse me, whaaat?
Stranger: yakitua?
You: YAkutia Krasnopezdinsk) it is near russia
You: white bears so pingvins
You: beer and vodka
Stranger: Lol sure
You: understand?
Stranger: I'm from Finland and I don't think there is any white bears
You: i'm don't joke
Stranger: polar bears
You: may be
Stranger: Speak some russia?
You: in our country bad english teacher and bad Institute
You: айай я спик
Stranger: aiai I ---what?
Stranger: cpik?
Stranger: aiai I spik?
You: speak -tell govorit
Stranger: Ja govorju po-russkii
You: yaya some deutch language in russian's speakers country from best films
You: ya toje
You: vmesto Ja -ya
You: a-a b-b c-TCe
You: kak bi tak
Stranger: asd
You: russian language so strang language
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: I have tried to learn it for a year now.
You: what u think about finska cs?
Stranger: cs?
Stranger: You mean
Stranger: Counter-Strike or...
You: try to learn russian mat. it is so english shit or bad words)
You: i mean counter-strike all men in russia and yakutia lay cs becuase eto interesnee chem kvasit vodka
Stranger: lol
Stranger: :asd
Stranger: Gotta go now
Stranger: Sorry
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hello
You: bye
Stranger: ....
Stranger: bye
You: hi
You: from? male?
Stranger: hi.Russia, man) you?
You: hi
You: 074k3 36484
You: O_O
You: brablya?
Stranger: what is it? )))
You: you understand me?
You: i am russian
Stranger: no
Stranger: ooo
Stranger: хаха)))
Stranger: что за брабля? )
You: hello
You: asl?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: you first
Stranger: 27 m taiwan
You: 25 f. I'm from Jopa. Taiwan is jopa too?
Stranger: no
You: =(
You: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 20/f/uk
You: 23 m. I'm from jopa. Uk is jopa too?
Stranger: nuhuh
Stranger: im from england
You: Uk far from jopa?
Stranger: the united kingdom
You: i think, nearly..
Stranger: great britain
Stranger: iunno
Stranger: never heard of it
You: i hule?
You: hello
Stranger: hi there
You: asl?
Stranger: m
Stranger: u?
You: m also) form?
Stranger: sweden
Stranger: u?
You: oh i like sweden
You: from russia
Stranger: you do?
Stranger: ok
You: me do some magic
You: wanna street magic
You: ?
Stranger: nope...im good
You: Hi
You: hmm
Stranger: hi
Stranger: ^^
You: where you from?
Stranger: taiwan
Stranger: u?
You: nice speed -
You: omg
You: Russia
You: ^^
You: u now that country?
Stranger: yes^^
Stranger: you know taiwan?
You: you have been in Russia?
You: I saw just some foto with Taiwan
Stranger: never
Stranger: yes!!!
Stranger: do you tastes it?
You: when?
You: Its nice
Stranger: tofo
Stranger: haha
You: how old are you?
Stranger: 16
Stranger: u?
You: Im older
You: do you play in Counter Strike?
You: u now that game?
Stranger: NO
Stranger: what us that
Stranger: NO
Stranger: online game?
You: yea
You: do u like Russia?
Stranger: yes
You: where in Russia you have been? Maybe Moscow?
Stranger: never
You: hmm... Do you now brabley?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hello
You: hi bl9t''
You: asl?
Stranger: from?
Stranger: 15 m netherlands you?
You: Really? 44 f netherlands too..
Stranger: oke dn gaan we verder innederlands
You: Do you want fu-.-ck me, boy?
Stranger: yes
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: do you like meatspin.com ?
Stranger: what is that?
You: just like or dislike ?
Stranger: like
You: you cool man!!
You: ))))
Stranger: hold on a sec
You: hi
You: asl
You: ?
Stranger: hello stranger i'm naked right now
Stranger: do you wanna see me
You: Sorry, i need know: what i must do, if i eat shit?
Stranger: no no
Stranger: u dont hav to do anything.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: 17 sg
You: Your country near JOPA?
You: If yes - i like you!
You: Becase jopa it's our all
Stranger: hahha no. i singaporean. wtheck is jopa?
You: It's our shit, it's our hole, which we can fиck
Ч0 ответить, я в англиском не шарю никуя
Stranger: hi
You: Hellow
You: From?
Stranger: chinese?
You: Jopan
Stranger: a nice National
Stranger: m/f?
You: Все ч0тко 364!
You: Me schoolgirl
Stranger: yeah,how old are you?
You: 16
You: If you want you can see my photos there meatspin.com
Stranger: oh,good,i have a look
Stranger: 1 min
Stranger: Seeks for about 20 years old the girl pornography video frequency, wants continuation, thanks
You: Is it good?
Stranger: ha-ha,if you are a schoolgirl ,it very be nice
You: Yes, I like trash video
Stranger: This kind of trash video I also like
You: What do know about rocket from de_nuke?
Stranger: I not am too clear, Seeks for about 20 years old the girl pornography video frequency, wants continuation, thanks
Stranger: do you want?
You: Ofcouse
Stranger: very good QQ?
You: 4 size
Stranger: What way do we use?
You: I dont know
Stranger: Do you have msn or qq?
You: No
Stranger: May distribute your picture to have a look first to me? The partial bodies may also
You: I havent photos
Stranger: oh,do you have any Communication facilities ? ICQ or.....
Stranger: How otherwise do we play sex
You: What about real life?
Stranger: but now where are you?
You: Japan
You: Beijing
Stranger: oh,yeah,not far
Stranger: Wants to have a look at the Japanese girl really
Stranger: Do you understand Chinese?
You: But where do you live?
You: Understand but not browser
Stranger: It is not far to you
Stranger: I very want to have a look at you now, is the real life, must interview the first opposite party, okey?
You: yop yop!
Stranger: ()
You: well
You: From?* -_-
Stranger: %!24(
You: Ok
Stranger: "/9
Stranger: !3,
You: How old are you
Stranger: )!-!345$%.4
You: Yeah I'm too
Stranger: "/9
You: girl
You: student-girl
You: My name is Marla
Stranger: .)#%4/-%%45
You: ofc
Stranger: (%,,/-!2,!
Stranger: )!-!,)
You: Ali
You: Nice name
You: What do you prefer?
Stranger: &//4"!,,
You: Do you play in team?
Stranger: 2)'(4
Stranger: !.$5
Stranger: )4().+5,)+%3).').'
You: I prefer pennis
You: Oh sorry tennis
Stranger: (!(!
You: With Karaoke sometimes
You: but I like Mountaing
You: Mountains*
Stranger: 7(/)3Karaoke
You: It's a Jupanese music-centre
You: Ask me about you
Stranger: )3%%
Stranger: (/7/,$25
Stranger: #/,,%'%
You: 19
You: yeah gollege/work evening on holidays)
Stranger: 3/'//$
You: So are you can to see 1 web-site?)
Stranger: 7(!4$/5$/).%6%).'
You: Relax
You: I like relax - music, movie with my friends
Stranger: 7(!4)3)4!"/54
Stranger: -!9"%
You: What may be*?
Stranger: THE7%"
You: so I'm now go afk I min see plz web-site meatspin.com 0K?
Stranger: )$/./4+./752!(!#+
Stranger: HMM
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi
You: asl
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 16,f, BRAZILo/
You: pechataj bistree bl9t''...
You: I''m from Argentina, and i know all about you...
Stranger: oi argertina
You: Do you eat christmas shit?
Stranger: vai se fuder , mano
You: ya toje mogu pisat'' neponyatnuju hu-.-jnu
You: idi nah koroche
Stranger: hey
You: привет
Stranger: asl?
You: еб4ть у меня яйца вспатели от жары
You: я не еб7 в души чё такое asl
Stranger: q ruskie suk4
You: сам ты suk4
You: you suk4
You: hi
You: were u from?
Stranger: in russian, hi
You: D
You: перехади
You: ты знаком с ч0рным властелином?
Stranger: чорный властелин-у меня в стакане
You: ты знаеш Браблей?
Stranger: ты кто такой
You: я чоткий а тЫ ч0ток?
You: чорный властел1н у тебя в стакан3 значит ночь все таки удалась О_О
Stranger: не тебе меня звать на стрелку базар продвигать
You: ты знаеш мудка bizi?
You: кароч говори всем
You: что бизи
You: мудк 3648ый
Stranger: я знаю многих мудков
You: его драл ч0рный властелин кароч
You: в анус прям
Stranger: обоснуй
You: ну какбы тебе сказать
You: зайди на сайт
You: www.proplay.ru
You: там на форумах
You: почитай
Stranger: какой сайт на
You: мб станеш истиным
You: в0380м
Stranger: выпей бульону и успокойся
You: О_О
You: а тя как звать то ?
на этом наш разговор закончился
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: asL?
Stranger: u drom?
Stranger: from
You: russian men
Stranger: what asl?
You: age sex location it need there
Stranger: Россия?
You: так понимешь?ъ
You: где рокета?
Stranger: да
Stranger: в армии
You: ъ че да 074л3
Stranger: фыв
Stranger: фыв
Stranger: фыв
You: go to the meatspean.com там прикольно поиши себя
Stranger: как жизнь?
You: да норм пью жигу
You: семки есть?
Stranger: чё за семки?
Stranger: ты откуда именно?
You: ок я просвяшу тебя
You: семки-семечки
You: жига-Жишулеское
You: 074к3- тебе пиCда
You: я из Ухты
You: аську дай
You: и контакт
Stranger: нету аськи
Stranger: ты?
Stranger: чем занимаешься?
You: когда именно?
Stranger: слышишь?
Stranger: ?
Stranger: вообще
You: спортом так то
You: кс"ом
You: стреляю
You: бегаю
You: баб ебу
Stranger: займись делом этим http://www.pokerstrategy.com/uRY9S3
Stranger: бабла срубишь
Stranger: на баб
You: неа покер зло давай удачи дай лушче контакт или мобилку по покеру прорвзонишьеси че
You: vkontakte id
Stranger: скайп может?
Stranger: дать
You: ну давай
Stranger: тебе сколько ?
Stranger: вася?
Stranger: эээээээээээээ
Stranger: эээээээээээээээээээээээээээ
You: 22 Андрей
Stranger: эээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээ
Stranger: эээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээ
Stranger: ээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээ
You: не экай
Stranger: ээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээ
Stranger: эээээээээээ
You: флудер
You: скайп давай
Stranger: а покер знаешь?
Stranger: чё такое?
You: средне
Stranger: я тут занимаюсь агитацией
You: не особо но igc.ru он же YC2 поможет
Stranger: fishinpoker
You: ладно агитатор связь оставь я свяжусь
You: охота с финскими девушкам поговорить
Stranger: fishinpoker
Stranger: fishinpoker
Stranger: связь
You: окай бб гг покер инетерресн
Stranger: свой скажи
Stranger: )
Stranger: давай
You: зарегаю напишу
Stranger: но
You: Гл мен
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hello
You: hello
You: u from?
Stranger: How are you, A/S/L?
You: you know Deadman?
Stranger: Deadman??
Stranger: no I don;t
You: yeah he is WOOF-WOOf
You: you some know about woof-woof? tell me
Stranger: I do not know what you are talking about
You: would do you like meatspin.com ? Say please like or dislike?
You: click and see
You: yo!
Stranger: sup!
You: asl
Stranger: !
Stranger: f m?
You: N.Y
You: Wall street
You: you?
Stranger: aare you a girl and im from israel
You: Ye
You: My name is Marla
You: What is your name my paly boy
You: play boy*
Stranger: david... let me ask you ... are you black?
You: Why?? I''m a white human if I''m live in USE lol!)
You: Do you hame msn or ICQ?
Stranger: yeah i do
Stranger: i have msn
You: Give me
Stranger: you 2
You: I''ll write
You: you 1st
Stranger: mcdavie93@gmail.com
Stranger: woops wrong one
Stranger: wit
You: well
You: 93?
You: School?)
Stranger: mcdavie93@yahoo.comO T 4 K 3!!!
Stranger: yup
Stranger: !!!
Stranger: im in 10th grade!!!
Stranger: yay
You: OT4Ke S*ka
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: u from?
Stranger: the netherlands u??
You: o0 netherlands... Im fr Russia
You: u now that country?
Stranger: yes
You: nice, do you like it?
Stranger: yes
You: good , have u been in our country?
Stranger: no but i want it
You: what is you age & sex?
Stranger: 14 female
Stranger: u??
You: more then 18, male
You: do you play in Counter Strike?
Stranger: no
You: u now that game?
Stranger: yes my brother play that
You: good, do u now brabley?
Stranger: no
You: 2 bad Its best russian CS-portal.
Stranger: ok
You: do u now site meatspin?
Stranger: no
You: maybe u can go 2 watch it?
You: so, do u see it?
Stranger: no my pc is slow
You: 2 bad Do u now where is rocket on de_dust2?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hey
You: )
You: asl?
Stranger: 17 f florida
Stranger: u?
You: germany
You: love adolf gitler
Stranger: fuc you man
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ау
Stranger: hi
You: привет
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: asl, horny?
You: age sex location
Stranger: yea
Stranger: 26 m us, and horny
Stranger: what about you?
You: 16 m russia
Stranger: too bad
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey, I'm Conan O'Brien
You: Hey, I'm Conan O'Brien too
Stranger: Sorry, my bad
Stranger: I'm Andy Richter
You: I'm Andy Richter too
Stranger: I'm leaving this conversation
You: I'm leaving this conversation too
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Вот с*ка - тоже наверн как мы сидит в своей Дании и рычат там)))), зато честно признался су4еH0к))
Stranger: hey
You: yeah baby
You: asl?
Stranger: 19 f denmark, u ?
You: 18 f ger
You: still school?
You: or kollege?
Stranger: Эeah collage, Or something that is called VUC
Stranger: what about u ?
You: It's wery well
You: I'm a Student In N.Y. akademy
You: How are you relax?
Stranger: Okay cool How are you relax ? What do you mean hehe
You: Relax
You: It's sex drugs and rock'n'roll
You: or not?
Stranger: Yes sex alot, not so many drugs, but a lot of boose
Stranger: And rockґnґroll yeah
You: Not bad
You: What is your name>
You: ?<<br /> Stranger: No it is nice, how about u ? My name is Sofie. What is yours ?
You: Marla))) Sofie... Are you boy ? orr?)
Stranger: No Sofie is a girls name :S
You: Never don't see it's name sorry)
Stranger: Its okay
You: So
You: Do you have msn / icq
Stranger: I dont give my msn out 2 persons, that i dont know so well, maybe we can talk some more ? And then i will give my msn 2 u
You: yes but now I need to help my brother on ketchen
You: It's can to be more time and I'm think that yoo isn't wait me
Stranger: Ooh 2 bad, no i am going 2 move on
You: bb?
You: So I'm think that you shluha?
You: ok?
Stranger: Shluha ?
You: yes
You: It's almost 'super' ok?
Stranger: okay Thx, u are super to
You: Ask me 'I'm shluha' and we friends forever
Stranger: all i wanted was another girl just 2 talk 2, im kind of hot, if you know what im saying ;)
You: Just Ask me please my girlfriend))
You: I like it ))) please
Stranger: you like uuhm lesbian sex ?
You: So I has
Stranger: me 2
You: 2 lesbian sex
You: ))
You: we was 3
You: and my girlfriend friend saw on it)))
Stranger: waoow, i would like 2 meet u and have some girl on girl sex, i am so turned on right now
You: yeah
You: So
Stranger: or maybe some cybersex right now, if it is okay ?
You: So do you have skype?
Stranger: no i wish i had
You: oh.... it's very bed because I prefer to see ))) and do it)
Stranger: ooh im sorry about that
You: WEll ok
You: You begin 1st
You: Фаck me in my ass baby yeah yeah
Stranger: okay, i am playing with my self mmm
You: mmm? Continue baby)
Stranger: im wet and all horny bb mmmm
Stranger: im fingering my self
You: And you slow kiss my left... ^^
Stranger: mmm yeah, getting horny bb ?
You: ye I'm need or my brother kill me = joke))
You: Give me msn or ICQ your)
Stranger: okay, im a guy and you just got punkd muahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hey
Stranger: whats up
You: asl?
Stranger: 15 m pa.........u probly wana girl srry
You: pa........
You: pakistan? O_O
Stranger: no
Stranger: u,s,
Stranger: a state
You: okay
You: what do you think about russia?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
они уже нас боятся
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: a/s/l
Stranger: 22 holland m
You: 19 f german
Stranger: okay
You: wanna sex?
Stranger: nice to meet you
You: and me too glad to see you in chat
Stranger: do you have a msn
You: U first
Stranger: mavs4141@hotmail.com
You: after u give me your msn please go to meatspin.com
You: s privetom is rossii golandec kak shmal?
Stranger: you can add me
You: to where?
Stranger: anan1 gцtьnde n sikeyim orospu evlad1 piз travesti
C*ка турок тупой такой попался, типа не понимает, а потом пишет мол "Я могу тебя понять"36Ло тупое
Stranger: hii
You: Lalala)
You: From?
Stranger: turkey
Stranger: u?
You: Kazakhstan
You: My name is Marla
You: What is your name
Stranger: marla
You: ??__??
Stranger: its an unusual name for a kazakh
You: I'm not kazakh.....
You: I live here wih my diplomacy parents
You: I'm styde in Astana city
Stranger: so where r u from actually
You: Aut
You: Austria
You: Viena
Stranger: i see
You: But my parents work in Astana in developent firm
Stranger: study?
You: OK man if you think thay I lie Just ask and we'll disconnect
You: yes
You: study language
You: Kazakh and a little russian
Stranger: i see
Stranger: i dont think that you lied
Stranger: im from turkey
Stranger: stdy cinema tv
You: So
You: What do you prefer
You: How relaxx?
Stranger: i didnt understand
Stranger: cinema and tv is integrated here
You: yes
You: Do you can speak rus if you isn't understand me?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: i can understand u
You: You full stupid boy
You have disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 8 inches
You: hi
Stranger: 18 inches
Stranger: 118 inches
You: what does it mean?
You: O_O
Stranger: I HAVE 8 inches IN MY BOXERS
You: whahahaha
You: O_O
You: go to meatspin.com
Stranger: FUK OFF
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: yop yop!
You: hop hop hop)
You: How are you
Stranger: good
Stranger: you?
You: WEry well but a little tyred
You: From?
Stranger: britland
Stranger: you?
You: Britland? London? UK?
You: French
Stranger: london
You: WEll good city I was here
You: My name is Marla
Stranger: really?
Stranger: your a d bag
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: you ok?
You: of course
Stranger: haha
Stranger: asl?
You: asl?
Stranger: i asked 1st
You: 15 m russian federation
You: and you?)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi there ;)
You: hi alien)
Stranger: asl?
You: where you from?
You: 15 f latvia
You: you?
Stranger: Gender?
You: no
Stranger: why?
You: what does it mean?
You: gender?
Stranger: Philippines
You: i'm from social company. we are asking people about russia. do you think about russia?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi 364
Stranger: hey
You: how are u ?
Stranger: fine thanks(: u?
You: me too DD where u from?)
Stranger: finland(: U?
You: from Borow, know?
Stranger: no.. sorry.. where is it?
You: lol))) tell me pls u stole a rocket from de_nuke?
Stranger: i didn''t?
You: from brablei
Stranger: yeees
You: DDD
Stranger: err... no?
You: shit dude;)))) bad, this is O_GODS
You: yeah 1 more in meatspin.com DD great
You: in this site i have world record
You: 36484 spins
Stranger: sorry.. but i got no idea what ya talkin'' ''bout...
You: Oo
You: ok
You: u know meatspin.com?
Stranger: nope
You: fuсk :{{{
You: you spin me right round baby right round
You: 36484
Stranger: okey. gotta go bye
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: HI
Stranger: HELLO.
You: From what you country?
Stranger: Canada, eh?
Stranger: Yourself?
You: you girl
You: man
You: ?
You: Boy
Stranger: I am female variety, yes
You: telka znachit!
Stranger: ?
You: Super dialect
You: You like Russia?
Stranger: yeah
You: what is you name?
Stranger: Katie
You: Катюха значит 364
You: What`s age?
Stranger: 17
You: gooв
You: good
Stranger: whats your age
You: 17)
Stranger: hiya!!
Stranger: how are you??
You: hey ma
You: fine
You: from ?
Stranger: im from uk, u?
You: xoxol ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: HI
Stranger: Russia
You: ok
You: hi
You: privet medwed)
You: от куда ты?
Stranger: hi!
You: город 36484
Stranger: М...Да...Краснодар.
You: а я из Новокраснодарска
You: знаешь борова из краснодара?
Stranger: Нет,а есть такой город?
You: да, а ты знаешь ч0рного властелина?
You: он к0ра3т 0нально
You: п0ст0й не ух4ди мудк
You: ты мне денег должен слышь э
You: ты петя гопо-стопэ?
А вот Индус сказал о Пакистане своё мнение:
You: lalala
Stranger: hello
You: yop!
Stranger: wer r u from?
You: Holland
You: you?
Stranger: india
Stranger: m.f/
You: Well
You: are you black?
Stranger: nop
Stranger: y/
You: greenry?
You: Cool nigga?
Stranger: no i brown
You: WOW
You: How old are you?
Stranger: m/f?
You: f
You: you?
Stranger: m
You: ye
You: Are you h0t?
Stranger: no i m a cool guy
You: Cool nigga))
Stranger: wats ur name?
You: Marla
You: your>?<<br /> Stranger: Podol
You: Pydel?
Stranger: podol
You: I thought somethins Rahib-habib lapizdдelili.....
You: but it''''s a good name
Stranger: thank u
You: N/p
Stranger: wat r u doing?
You: now?
Stranger: studyin/working?
You: stude and work)
Stranger: amazing
You: I''''m stydying on last course at the University
You: -_-
Stranger: wat r u studying?
You: You?
Stranger: i m also doing my final year of graduation
You: I''''m studing on School teacher
Stranger: ve to search job after that
You: yeah
You: But India is a big country
Stranger: great teachin is a gud profession
You: ye
You: I love kids
Stranger: yeah India is big country with different cultures
You: they are very beautifull)
You: ofc
Stranger: how old are u now/
Stranger: ?
Stranger: ofc?
You: But what do you think on Pakistan?
You: 21
Stranger: pak gud country with corrupted politicians. I''''m f*cked his f*cking usama...
Stranger: its the politicians in that country spoiling the whole land i say
You: yes
Stranger: y u r interested in pak?
You: No
Stranger: ???
You: I Just saw 2 or 3 month ago terrorist attack on Mymbai...
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: from?
Stranger: korea
You: russia
Stranger: hihi~~~~~
You: hello
You: m/f?
Stranger: f~
Stranger: you?
You: m
Stranger: my ptoto go ?
You: how old are you?)
You: go
Stranger: 20
Stranger: http://blog.naver.com/30500194?Redirect=Log&logNo=140068552783
Stranger: gogo
You: oh you are beauty
Stranger: oh~
You: I'm 16 years old)
Stranger: my 20
You: what time is it in your country?
Stranger: 4:22
Stranger: ok ?
Stranger: you?
You: Oo why did not you sleep?
You: 23:23
Stranger: Zzz...?
You: yeah
You: )
Stranger: hm...
You: m?
You: )
Stranger: f b.b
You: f b.b?
Stranger: english ...
Stranger: ex·act·ing
You: I know english not good)
Stranger: `.`
Stranger: b.b
36484 najs devushka XD
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: u from?
Stranger: taiwan
Stranger: you?
You: Russia, your age/sex?
Stranger: 32-year-old female
Stranger: which city in russia?
You: oh, not Moscow
Stranger: haha
You: u have been in Russia?
Stranger: Lots of great musicians are from russia, great country
Stranger: nop
You: you like our country? )
Stranger: yes
You: thats nice
Stranger: the buildings are great
Stranger: music is great
Stranger: novels are great
Stranger: I would like to go to St. Petersburg.
You: Im too ( But I cant go in it.
Stranger: why not?
You: Im 2 far from it/
Stranger: you are at the east side of russia?
Stranger: oh, another reason makes me like russia --> the weather
You: maybe Do u play in Counter Strike?
You: weather?
Stranger: taiwan is too hot and humid
Stranger: oh, no. i don''t play on-line game. i''m too old for that
Stranger: how old are you?
You: in Russia 9 month weather - autumn and winter.
Stranger: that is great.
You: more than 18, but not 32
Stranger: in Taiwan, 9-month of summer
Stranger: haha, i know i''m too old to chat on internet
You: pretty nice, I wanna summer+beach+fresh air )
Stranger: summer and beach are great in Taiwan..but the air....mm...
You: but I dont know the taiwanian language
Stranger: the official language is Chinese
You: oh, thats not better. I can speak only on Russian or on bad English )
Stranger: that is good enough
Stranger: Russian is the hardest language on the planet earth
You: all saing that, but why?
Stranger: russian letters are quite different from english letters, i guess
Stranger: and the pronounciation?
Stranger: what time is it over there?
You: yea, but we have only 33 letters
You: in my city Its 00:34
You: and in yours?
Stranger: pretty late.
Stranger: 2:39 am
You: I heard, that in Chinese more than 1000 letters
Stranger: uh...i don''t know, but it''s possible.
Stranger: but it''s different in chinese. Each chinese letter is a word.
You: so thats not easy language
Stranger: but several russian letters or english letters form a word
Stranger: but we are used to it.
Stranger: it''s the only language i can learn during my childhood
You: 4 me its very hard
You: I cant speak on English without accent.
You: and how will be I speak Chinese then?
Stranger: it is normal...we have to keep something from our own country to let people know where we are from..
Stranger: with russian accent?
You: with Big Russia Accent
Stranger: I would like to listen to that
You: ^^ , Americans will be in shock
Stranger: Americans are too easy to be in shock
Stranger: Do you know Evgeny Kissin?
You: no, who is that?
Stranger: A pianist from russia
Stranger: I think I make you feel bored.
Stranger: it is ok if you want to leave.
You: no, Im just reading another text and chatting )
Stranger: Haha! multi-tasking. me, too.
You: and do u now where is the rocker from de_dust2?
Stranger: no, de_dust2 is a rock band?
You: I cant tell you what is it
You: do u now the brabley?
Stranger: i googled it, a map in counter strike?
You: )
You: yea
Stranger: you are crazy about on-line game, don''t you.
Stranger: i am more familiar with AOE and WAR 2.
Stranger: but in 10 years ago.
You: Im crazy on all
You: war2? what was it?
Stranger: warcraft 2
Stranger: the older version of warcraft 3
Stranger: when it is not designed for on-line game, but for PC only.
You: oh, yea, I been play in it when was yonger
Stranger: I like smaller games, such as the ones on NDSL.
You: and what is AOE?
Stranger: age of empire
You: just first part or second too?
Stranger: just first part
You: I have been played in it too )
You: now you dont play any game?
Stranger: a few years ago, i''m crazy about Pharaoh
You: and I have been play in it too )
Stranger: i like the games that are for building cities and making money
Stranger: so i like sim-city, too
You: yea, that nice games
You: so, hmm, u have husband or something else? )
Stranger: nop
You: why? maybe in past?
Stranger: nop
Stranger: maybe i''m too bossy and boys are afraid of me
Stranger: so they run away from me, haha.
You: do u have kids?
Stranger: no
Stranger: do you?
You: no, and dont wanna it
Stranger: Ha. me neither.
You: and... what is our job?
Stranger: i''m a phd student.
You: hm
You: Do you like Sochi?
Stranger: sorry, never heard of that place.
Stranger: but i googled it, it is a beautiful city.
You: Its 2 bad The Olympic Games will be in it.
Stranger: Really? which year?
You: 2014 I think
Stranger: winter olympic?
You: yea
Stranger: i love that. i love figure skating.
You: http://energyclub.uco*.ru/_ph/7/259229250.jpg
You: yea, Its beautifull city and I was there, but when I was small young boy
Stranger: wow, the picture is really beautiful.
Stranger: i am very sorry i have to go to bed. it is very late.
Stranger: i have a very pleasant chat with you.
Stranger: this is my msn slashxaxl@msn.com
Stranger: if you want to chat with me again, welcom to add me into your list.
Stranger: i have to leave the lab, go home, and crash on my bed. so tired today.
You: Okey, bb, It was very nice 2 meet you ) All right, I will save our msn )
Stranger: if you don''t want to add me into your list, it is also ok. no hard feelings.
You: So good luck and good night )
Stranger: good night~
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi !
Stranger: hi!
Stranger: what country are you from?
You: russia
Stranger: п1здец кароче)
You: а бл9
You: my web page is meatspin.com
You: я токо приготовился...
Stranger: гыгыгыгы)
Stranger: давай удачи)
You: давай
You: HI
Stranger: heey
Stranger: froom ?
You: Russia! you?
Stranger: braziil
Stranger: m or f ?
You: Good
You: what is you name?
Stranger: m or f ?
You: Morf?
Stranger: maiol or famiel
You: Mail
Stranger: girl or man
You: man
Stranger: ok
Stranger: i f
You: You like Man?
Stranger: yees
You: You Like boy?
Stranger: how oold are u?
You: You Boy Girl?
Stranger: i giirl
You: good
You: )
Stranger: ;)
Stranger: have msn ?
You: What?
Stranger: msn, orkut ? have ?
You: yea
Stranger: pass me please
You: ху1
You: What beside you size bosom?(какой у тебя размер груди)
You: Hey baby
Stranger: try to guess(догадайся)364
You: What age?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: and u ?
You: 17 ))
Stranger: cool
You: Beside you 3 sizes bosom
You: ?
Stranger: congratulatioons
You: You like CyberSex?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i donґt like
You: You like USA?
Stranger: ye
Stranger: bye
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: fr0m
Stranger: sweden, and u?
You: me too
Stranger: okey, trevlig
You: thanks
Stranger: varfцr fortsдtta med engelskan?
You: u know black overlord???
You: O_____________________________________________o i dont know sweden lng
You: iam coming to sweden 29 may
Stranger: black overlord?
You: ye
You: u know him?
Stranger: what are u doing here?
Stranger: no i dont
You: he is anal bomberman
You: he is very black
You: he have very black ass
You: mmm
You: i am come there my member
You: u wanna too?
#149 красивая
R.Wolf! Abasrazzo! нравиться читать мне ппц () когда не унылый стёб )) правда интересно ^_^ правдо читаю дольше чем появляются новые сообщения...
Stranger: hi
You: hi R0CKETA
Stranger: how are you ??
You: i from rus
You: u
Stranger: здарова земеля ))))
You: привет
You: из какого города?
Stranger: москва
You: м/ж
Stranger: м
Stranger: ты ??
You: я мужэбаба
Stranger: чего ???
Stranger: пидр что ли ???
You: XD
You: знаешь ч0рного властелина?
Stranger: чао
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: from?
Stranger: you first...
You: i from United Kingdom
Stranger: oo... i'm from korea
You: ;)
You: south/north?
You: nunclear bombs/moon?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
#160 еблом_в_омлет. Да ты почитай что у меня пишет 23-хлетний голландец п1здец Я в окуе сижу досихпор О_____________________________________________о:
Stranger: hey
You: yop!
Stranger: please tell me
Stranger: do you like me?
You: what?)
You: So I dont see you)
Stranger: i like you a lot!
You: Tell me your photo
Stranger: im a sexy stud
You: WEll I;m a beauty girls
Stranger: very muscled in the legs
You: Stud? Hmm.... what Univercity/?
Stranger: univercity of Amsterdam
You: 36484
You: well
You: I prefer drugs when I sex
Stranger: do you like to have buttsex in the morning?
Stranger: i like COKE
Stranger: i like
Stranger: YOU
You: Well
You: Send me your photo
Stranger: i will
Stranger: in a minute...
You: I live hard long sex
Stranger: please undress yourself first
Stranger: my COCK is LONG and STEEP
You: Oh....
You: Are you every hot ?
Stranger: im spritzing all over the place
You: do you have skype?
Stranger: that si how hot i am
Stranger: do you prefer KISSING first
Stranger: or BUTTRAPE
You: you penni?
You: no 1st far more better
Stranger: do yyou like
Stranger: to suck COCK in the morning, you CHILDMOLESTING pig
You: Are you zoofeel?
You: wtf?
Stranger: i like to talk dirty
You: or gey?
You: yeah
You: I'm dirty girl)
Stranger: i am sexually oriented towards BUTTRAPE speciality if you must know
Stranger: my interests concern only bloody vaginal and anal RAPE
You: Well)
You: I want you
You: How old are you?
Stranger: First of all
You: all)
Stranger: do you prefer a poop in you mouth or a fist in your ASS
Stranger: i'm 23
You: 2 month ago I has sex with a 2 machos___))) I'm crying because I never relax how then...))
You: Ass
You: later
You: I prefer
Stranger: are you STRETCHED OUT like a VIETNAMESE prostitute?
You: So
You: I'm tyred
Stranger: do you prefer if our conversations meet subjects like HAVING DINER TOGETHER AT MOONLIGHT or do you want to have a RAPEFEST first
You: Ask me your ICQ
You: I'll write tomorrow
You: You like me)
Stranger: where do you CUM from
You: or MSN
You: well
You: Aut
You: Austria
You: know it country?
Stranger: this is my most recent picture
Stranger: http://www.spirit-of-metal.com/les%20goupes/G/Gutslasher/Soaking%20Pus/Soaking%20Pus.jpg
Stranger: my latest RAPE victim
You: lier.....
You: Ok
You: I was serious
You: but if you prefer liering ok... bb
Stranger: do you SUCK COK and swallow you bloody nose AFTE?RWARDS?
You: oh....
You: You unmaner boy
Stranger: because i like to PUNCH your brains in WHEN I BUTTRAPE people
You: But I hot girl
You: but if you ugly
You: I'm isn't wanna sex with you
Stranger: show me your bloody PUSSY
You: send me your photo or bb...
You: lol...
You: It's not serious
You: I'm afraid you
Stranger: send me FOTO of your ASSHOLE
Stranger: i like ASSHOLES
You: you 1st....
You: you send me you ass>>>?
ну одного парнишу быстро осадил))
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Сосо)
Stranger: butter
You: Are you white?
You: or nigga?
Stranger: dont say the n word
Stranger: thats so rude
You: because I'm facking USAMA
Stranger: im white.
You: I'm kill you
You: Hi
Stranger: Hi, from?
You: Russia
Stranger: i from israel
You: jew??? Abasrasso?
Stranger: ye jew, who is Abasrasso? What is it?
Stranger: again brablay mudks, bye kid
You: hello!
Stranger: I am alien.
You: oh...
You: so
Stranger: Hallo
You: do you like www.meatspin.com ? like or dislike?
Stranger: what? D:
Stranger: WHat's that?
You: like or dislike?
Stranger: w8
Stranger: I would like to kill you. Now.
You: ok
Stranger: ni ma bi
You: o_O?
Stranger: never mind
You: hello
You: 36484
You: ey p1dar
Stranger: 36484
You: yes
Stranger: ey p1dar
You: man/girl ?
Stranger: man
You: togda p1dar
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hi
Stranger: whats up?
You: u are man from USA?
Stranger: yeah. and you?
You: man from Russia
Stranger: nice
You: like Russia?
Stranger: the culture is fascinating. Im trying to learn the language through a program called Rossetta Stone on my computer.
Stranger: so what do you do for a living? where do you work?
You: Why are u learning it? You will go to Russia?
Stranger: maybe one day.
You: u wanna go?
Stranger: someday yeah id like to go.
Stranger: Theres a ton of stuff ive seen on the internet that i want to see for myself
You: I do nothing special... So u are student or else?
Stranger: no i build car parts for a living. leaving for the US Army at the end of august.
Stranger: its been nice talking to you, Ivan. i have to go now
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: hello=)
Stranger: asl?
You: what asl?
Stranger: age sex location
You: tbl 4e bl9 mydilo kinyt'' men9 xo4ew yebok?
You: aaa
You: syk4
You: tak 6bl u skazal
You: male
Stranger: o noo
You: 17
You: russia
Stranger: im from nazi moscow
You: 36484
Stranger: sieg heil
You: what?
Stranger: 14/88
You: sosu yebok
Stranger: бла
You: во
Stranger: да тут нас дохуя
You: так бы и сказал
You: )))
Stranger: постебаться жаже негде
You: ага
Stranger: даже*
You: ты откуда?
Stranger: мск
Stranger: ты?
You: я понял уже
You: тоже
You: www.proplay.ru
You: www.meatspin.com
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: Silvio Santooos veeeem aiiiiii Oleeee ole Olaaaaa!!!! Maaaa ooeeee...
You: hi
You: omfg
You: pocan ti che kyril ?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: F*CK YOU??
Stranger: UHHH?
Stranger: ?
You: cho uhh
You: UG ska
You: f*ck you at 1st
You: 364lo off
You: иди нах*й
You: 36лан
You: visit my site http://meatspin.com
You: 364lo zavali
You: shluha
You: translate this on your language
You: шл*ха
You: иди нах*й
You: чмо
You: go out and you will be f*cked in your ass by black overking
Stranger: GOOD ONE
You: ты ведь знаешь черного властелина
You: where are you from?
You: give me your email address or icq uin i will 074K3 on your vsem saitom s*ka
You: brablay.ru
You: 074K3
You: FBI
You: you will be arrested by our agents
You: х*ли ты малчиш с*ка
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: where r u from?
You: asl?
You: ger
You: and you?
Stranger: russia
You: hahahah
You: eto pzdc))
Stranger: da nu nahui vas mrakobesov
Stranger: vseh raspugali uzher
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi bl9t' !
Stranger: hi
Stranger: what's your name?
You: vitaliy
You: u?
Stranger: Melissa
You: oO
Stranger: are u a girl?
You: nice
You: male
Stranger: lol sorry
You: idiotka
Stranger: i didn't know that vitaliy was a name of a boy
You: i'm rus
You: )))
You: 18 age
Stranger: i'm 18 too
You: good
Stranger: the russian people are really good-looking
Stranger: how do you look like?
You: mmm
You: At you greater breasts?
Stranger: idiot
You: ahahhaha
You: O_O
Stranger: bye
You: wtf
You: hi bl9t' !
Stranger: hi
Stranger: Smile
You: Very Happy
Stranger: what's your name?
You: vitaliy
You: u?
Stranger: Melissa
You: oO
Stranger: are u a girl?
You: nice
You: male
Stranger: lol sorry
You: idiotka
Stranger: i didn't know that vitaliy was a name of a boy
You: i'm rus
You: Smile)))
You: 18 age
Stranger: i'm 18 too
You: good
Stranger: the russian people are really good-looking
Stranger: how do you look like?
You: mmm
You: At you greater breasts?
Stranger: idiot
You: ahahhaha
You: O_O
Stranger: bye
You: wtf
Stranger: hi, from england, 22 years old
You: hi, im Katty Perry
Stranger: O_O
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: hi man
Stranger: i wait my girl
You: mhm, its me
Stranger: Dia?
You: yes
Stranger: i love you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: hey nigga
You: what is asl?
You: >>>> meatspin.com <<<< go
Stranger: you called me nigger?
You: yes called
You: so what
Stranger: haha you're a fucking dumb one arent you
Stranger: meat spin
Stranger: thats like
Stranger: 8 years old?
Stranger: like my pussy
You: im from pakistan
You: hahaha
Stranger: YOU'RE NOT
You: go eat shit nigga
Stranger: your ip says your from the US
Stranger: so don't lie to me buddy
You: u from man ?
Stranger: you think im some kid behind the keyboard
You: you funny
Stranger: go eat shit
You: sorry
Stranger: im gonna e-bomb you
Stranger: you're gonna be sorry bitch
Stranger: you're messing with the wrong guy
You: sorry for my english
Stranger: you better be nigger
You: im nigga yes
You: oops
Stranger: you're not a 'nigger'
Stranger: my spycam worm
Stranger: shows me
Stranger: that you're around the age of 15
You: hahaha
Stranger: whit
You: 18
Stranger: white*
Stranger: well
You: eblo
Stranger: your a bit of a late developer then
Stranger: do you have a hairy willy?
You: what
Stranger: are you attracted to men?
You: you play computer games?
Stranger: women?
Stranger: yes i do
Stranger: i play
You: nice
You: cs playing?
Stranger: no
You: ((
Stranger: CS is 4 n00bz
You: hahaha mydk
Stranger: CS is actually amazing
Stranger: italy is a good map
You: )))) you meat is cs?
Stranger: so is de_dust
You: oi
Stranger: what?
You: www.proplay.ru
You: go
You: nice sait
You: you age?
Stranger: 19
Stranger: i gotta go dude
Stranger: have fun
Stranger: peace out
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hello
Stranger: hi 1 am 18 male from turkey 1 am looking for a webcamsex partner. do you want??
Stranger: hiiiii
You: yes
Stranger: asl*
Stranger: ?
You: okay
You: do you know my website
Stranger: no
You: www.meatspin.com
You: my video and photos
Stranger: holy shit, fck you
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: i will show you my dick if you show me your boobs
Stranger: f*ck off, you sick turd
Stranger: ur blatently some
Stranger: fat cunt
You: О_О
Stranger: who cant get gash
Stranger: piece of shit
Stranger: dont give me that sad face you lil bitch
You: =)))))
Stranger: the f*ck are you laughin at?
Stranger: the fact that you''re obviously 45 and still a virgin
Connection asploded.
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: a/s/l?
You: 21 f japan
You: u?
Stranger: cool, 22 m usa
You: My name is Suzuki Yaeboshu
You: and yours?
Stranger: Nice name Suzuki, I'm Bobby
You: Bobby Dillan?
Stranger: lol no
You: a gde rocketa?
Stranger: what?
You: where is rocket
You: from de_nuke
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey!
Stranger: hi!
You: asl?)
You: heeeeeeeeey
Stranger: now
Stranger: and you?
You: now_ Oo
You: ?
Stranger: yes
You: rus
You: disconnect? :'(
Stranger: now
Stranger: not*
Stranger: no,
You: americans disconnected when i wrote them that i'm russian
You: where are you?
You: f?
Stranger: my English is not fluent
You: in what country do you live? Oo
Stranger: Brasil
You: male/female?
Stranger: and you?
You: russia
Stranger: man
You: do you play counter striek?
You: strike*
Stranger: very friu there?
Stranger: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Stranger: and you?
You: of course!
You: do you know what's happened with made in brasil?
Stranger: happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
You: hmm??
Stranger: yes they found 28 bodies
Stranger: :'(
Stranger: you messenger?
You: no
You: what mean? they found 28 bodies
You: ??
Stranger: plane crash
Stranger: Rio de Janeiro
You: O_O
You: made in brasil were crashed???
You: team made in brasil
You: cs team
Stranger: yeees
You: cogu and other???
You: oh no.....
You: it's really?
Stranger: cogu?
Stranger: yes people
You: yeah
You: and he died?
You: it was a tragedy..
Stranger: yes
Stranger: 228 victims
You: yeah
You: a heard
You: and they weren't been found
парниша грит что mibr больше нет??? О_О
Connecting to server...
You''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi all !
You: hi im here only 1
You: asl?
Stranger: Russia
You: 36484
You: me2
Stranger: whot &
You: perehodi ebl
You: 074k3
Stranger: kak
Stranger: ?
You: 4ernii povelitel''''
You: zahvatit teba
You: i zdast v rabstvo
Stranger: OYKZ
You: v iordaniu
You: perehodi ebl
You: war katitsa na YC
You: 074k3
Stranger: ga
You: bla na etom momente esli 4esno ti dolgjen bil viiti
Stranger: ti pro 4to ?
You: ia pro hu1i pi2zda
Stranger: pedo ?
You: ladno ia sam viidu
Автор, я тебя нашёл жаль только, что у тебя,у мудка, страница закрыта!
А сполила тебя твоя убогая мышка которую ты пытался забарыжить на этом форуме.
После чего я подумал, что ты выставил её в альбоме группы Counter-Strike, и я не ошибся. После пролистывания второго альбома она всё же была найдена ссылка на эту фотографию.
#238 да ты смарю под умного косишь LOL че не пишешь то асю спалить боишься? сколько сняли с тя за подключение антиАОНа?
зы не знал что есть люди такие больные
#241 разве? LOL я н336у была там тема раньше или нет мне п0х.й а скрин этот можешь найти на том же форуме + этот скрин я сюда поместил предупредив его [b]автора[/b] (на браблее не смарел) в кач+ве образца + я смарю тебе один на один сыкотно было поговорить и выставил эту йухню напоказ (сам же я не был в курсе другой темы) и мне пох.й
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: hi
You: p1dor?
Stranger: Whats that mean?
You: thanks gof
You: god
You: you dont know
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: how r u ?
Stranger: good
You: What's your name ?
Stranger: vivi
You: Vivi ? o_O
Stranger: yep
Stranger: vivian in fat
Stranger: fact
You: from ?
Stranger: hong kong
You: king kong mb ?
Stranger: silly u
You: i'm from Brablay
Stranger: where?
You: it's small restricted country into Russia
Stranger: i see
Stranger: `}
You: hi
Stranger: do you know that?
You: no i''m not yskoglaziy
Stranger: ok. so u from?
You: from Brablay
You: u?
Stranger: China
You: sex?
Stranger: mu?
You: m
You: do you know one man?? he play CS 1.6
You: him name Kui k=h
Stranger: sorry..
Stranger: i play CS,but not good at it
You: what 364?
You: wNv
You: team
Stranger: i know..
You: Kyu K=H
You: he is long
Stranger: compare CS, i like war3 more
You: sertanly
You: i like CS
You: jump
Stranger: Jump/
Stranger: you say the comic?
You: xD
You: pzc
You: do yo know Petrosyan
You: ?
Stranger: sorry.
You: Kuli sorry K=h
You: O_O
You: 36484
Stranger: which country are you from?
You: brablay
You: russia
You: 36484
Stranger: ok..
Stranger: 36484?
Stranger: what''s meaning?
You: nu koro4e
You: eto tipa tebya vi3bali
You: one question
ВДн ""
Stranger: ok
You: where a rocket from de_nuke?
You: ska!
Stranger: i''m not good at CS
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how are you?
You: very good
You: u?
Stranger: i fine
Stranger: asl?
You: asl??? asl??? eto tipa ty - asjol?! da, ty asjol! ja tvoj rot naoborot!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: asl??? eshhjo odin asjol, bljad'?!
Stranger: english please
Stranger: XD
You: suck my duck
Stranger: age sex location
Stranger: yay okay
You: after soup listen?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hello
Stranger: http://i372.photobucket.com/albums/oo162/dd11890/124275987270991.jpg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: nice to meet y
Stranger: ou
You: hi baby
Stranger: guy
Stranger: not baby
You: i want BANG-BANG!!!
Stranger: you can do it with bang bang
You: ...тирлим-бом-бом, тирлим-бом-бом, а гном идёт купаться...
Stranger: fuсk you bangbang
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
2535 users online
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi where u from
You: hey
You: the us
You: u
You: ?
Stranger: usa
You: ahha
You: lol
You: nice
You: which state
Stranger: where at in the susa
Stranger: lol
Stranger: indiana hewre
You: CAli
You: ;(
You: are u male or female
Stranger: im male
You: faggot
Stranger: im bi
You: LOL
Stranger: are u a faggot
You: I like bitches, u know what i am saying
Stranger: i hear ya dawg
Stranger: how old is u
You: how old are you. man, i should give u some grammar lessons
Stranger: f*ck yo grammar hammer
You: grammar,
Stranger: i coulda said how old you is
Stranger: like a nigger
You: it''s not proper way to say that
You: however, f*ck niggers
Stranger: i agree f*ck em
You: how old are u cuttie
Stranger: cuttie
Stranger: ...
Stranger: im 20
You: I am about to be 20
Stranger: thats good to know
Stranger: im about to be 30 in 10 years
You: thats wise thing that u sait it
Stranger: i should give you some grammar lessons
You: speak
Stranger: that''s a wise thing that you said.
You: sait i meant said
You: i said like a nigger
Stranger: sayed
You: u know what im sauing
You: sayed?
Stranger: i sayed you im 20
You: u makes me lol
Stranger: i know
Stranger: thats how i hook em, one minute u are laughing the next u are cumming in my mouth
You: RETARD - that is my final conclusion
Stranger: yep, i prefer mentally challenged though
You: what are u doing in ur life
Stranger: college
You: studying? or just mastrurbating
Stranger: mostly masturbating some sex, and a little college
Stranger: u?
You: studying like a gangsta
You: u know that i am saying
You: ?
Stranger: learning to do drive bys and hold up liquor stores
You: what is ur name btw
Stranger: jason
Stranger: u
You: Olj
You: Do u know Kazakhstan country?
Stranger: i know of it, Borat is like a populare guy ther and shit
You: LOL
You: u saw this movie, right
You: ?: D
Stranger: ofcourse
Stranger: i own it
You: did u like it
Stranger: i love borat, i watched him before he made a movie
You: how is that possible
You: cuttie
Stranger: he had a show on HBO
Stranger: Da Ali G show
You: he had shows everywhere
You: ALii G In DAaa Houusee
Stranger: boo ya shakah
Stranger: respect
You: so, originally I am from KAzakhstan. But at the moment in the LKA
You: wEEST side
Stranger: lol
Stranger: kazakhstan, does tham mean you look asian
You: hmm. not at all
Stranger: damn
You: it would be something similiar to european and asian mix
You: like 50/50 I guess
Stranger: i think i know
Stranger: pretty hot guys from that area
You: bro, do you think Borat movie was real?
Stranger: lol, no
You: i glad that you thinks so
Stranger: his real name is sacha cohen
You: haha
You: you are right
Stranger: hes jewish, or atleast i think so
You: he is
Stranger: and he rips on jews
Stranger: its hilarious
You: hah
You: u know a lot
Stranger: lol, i try
Stranger: im very open minded
You: so you gay, right
You: not even bi
Stranger: i am bi
Stranger: i like girls too
Stranger: lol
Stranger: i take what i can get
You: so, u like cocks in ur ass
You: right?
Stranger: yes
You: LOL
Stranger: haha, you are from kazakhstan
Stranger: lol
Stranger: see not too cool is it
You: I am
You: Bro, when do you want to get married?
Stranger: probably when i meet the right girl
You: not a guy?
Stranger: nah, guys are just good for sex
You: LOL
You: you are real BI, bro
Stranger: haha, i am for sure
You: James, do you want to get married
Stranger: haha, no
Stranger: its jason
You: hey, bro, have you seen the hangover movie
You: ohh, sorry, jason
Stranger: yeah, it was okay
You: in my opinion, they shouldn''t put last 3-4 pictures at the end of the movie
You: where one guy receives oral from grown woman
You: LOL
Stranger: haha the guy getting his dick sucked
Stranger: it was funny, fake but funny
You: yeap, but, overall shit was funny
You: i want to order the same glasses as Cooper ha
You: had
Stranger: it was too rehearsed
You: agree
Stranger: but it weas pretty good
Stranger: rob riggle made me laugh so hard
Stranger: IN THE FACE
You: who is that?
You: that stupid guy
You: ?
Stranger: the cop who said, IN THE FACE
You: aaa LOLOL
Stranger: mike tyson was funny too
Stranger: when he hit zack galifinakis
Stranger: i was loling
You: hehe
You: have you heard that mike tyson''s daugher died by accident?
Stranger: yes
You: it was a week ago
Stranger: exodus tyson
Stranger: she was 4
You: yeap
Stranger: strangled on a cord from a treadmill
Stranger: very sad
You: very
Stranger: i wanna know where his wife was at, letting a 4 year old play on a treadmill
You: yeah, shit is crazy
You: however, mike tyson is going marry with her
You: pretty soon
You: even after that accident
Stranger: isnt she white
You: i dont think so
You: she''s black and she does not look so good
Stranger: lol
You: mike tyson doesnt care what kind of pussy he f*cks at night time
Stranger: lol, hes a hard ass
Stranger: one ugly dude though
You: yeah. would u f*ck him?
Stranger: id suck his dick
Stranger: hes probably hung
Stranger: plus hes famous
You: do you want to be celebrity?
Stranger: not really
Stranger: but if you get the chance to f*ck or suck a celeb you do it
You: word
Stranger: id f*ck oprah for sure
You: isnt she old as f*ck
Stranger: like 55
Stranger: and fat
Stranger: but shes f*cking oprah
You: yeah. cauze she got f*cking power
Stranger: hell yeah
Stranger: like hillary clinton
Stranger: id f*ck her too
You: probably she lets lick her pussy every day
Stranger: i love licking pussy too
Stranger: so id be down
You: ur beast
You: man
Stranger: i am
You: do you use protection at least when ur f*cking?
Stranger: if i know ther guy well i dont usually but if not i always do, and ofcourse i do with girls, i dont need no kids
You: so, with guys are active or passive
Stranger: active but im bottom
Stranger: i like to do work
Stranger: switch postions suck dick and all that
You: LOL
You: personal question. have you ever expereinced any stds?
Stranger: nope, never had one
You: u should use protection every time,bro
Stranger: i dont with like guys ive been with for 5 years but with most guys i do
You: i time i f*cking contacted some kind of bacteria and believe me, that time was one of the most terrible period in my life
Stranger: damn i bet
You: f*ck that shit
Stranger: sorry for you man
You: but, it''s okey right now
Stranger: ive only barebacked it with 2 guys
Stranger: both i know really well
Stranger: so its not a problem
You: what''s barebacked?
Stranger: no rubber
You: okok
You: i was like
You: how is that freaking possible
Stranger: damn, shes was dirty
Stranger: gotta get those magnums and pull it back over your nuts
You: thanks for an advice
You: i bet it helps a lot in real life
Stranger: you are welcome, learned that from a black guy
You: for sure, if magnum - black guy
You: is that right? D
Stranger: haha he wasnt that big, he just used em to protect his sack
You: LOL
Stranger: from my expereience, black guys and whie guys are the same, asian guys and indian guys are a little smaller but its all good
You: i bet you are right
Stranger: its what ive seen
You: why dont you sleep by the way. It is already like 2:20 am
You: isnt it?
Stranger: its 420 here
You: woww
Stranger: im not tired
Stranger: i need to get off before i can sleep, i was with a guy earlier but i never got off
You: how many times in a week u get sex? hmm
You: it seems like 5 at least
You: ;D
Stranger: in a week, usually 5+
You: aha, i was right
Stranger: good guess
Stranger: i got a girlfriend but shes away in europe
Stranger: so im picking up a lil extra now
You: does she know about ur relationships with other guys?
Stranger: not at all, well she knows i have in the past had sex with men but she thinks im 100% hers
You: but in reality
You: it''s not
You: right? L
Stranger: when shes here she occupys most my time but uill still get like one a week
Stranger: usually the same guy for a few months
You: how long have u been dating with ur gf?
Stranger: 3 years
Stranger: shes from finland
You: wow, thats cool
Stranger: she goes back for 2 months every year
You: if she''s from finland, i bet she must be hot
Stranger: haha, well shes very hot but i dont think all grls from finland are
Stranger: her moms ugly as hell
You: LOLoL
Stranger: her dad is a good looking guy though lol, she gets her looks from him
You: is she same age as you
Stranger: shes 24
You: mmm,
You: difference between ages shouldn''t be any problem in healthy relationships
Stranger: nah not 3 years and 5 months
Stranger: i mean 2 yars and 5 months
You: this is nice.
You: what kinda of music do you prefer
Stranger: rock, some rap, classic rock/pop
Stranger: u
You: i like hip hop
You: do u know tupac?
You: )
Stranger: whos that...lol ofcourse i do
You: hehe
You: what do u think about him?
Stranger: hes okay, i like california
You: have u ever been here?
Stranger: haha his song...california or something like that
Stranger: i was in cali for a few weeks with a guy i know
Stranger: san francisco
You: it is called california love
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: its a tight song
You: i live in la and never have visited San Francisco. how is there?
Stranger: it was fun, i went to like 10 gay bars and never got carded once, and i had more sex than i thought imaginable
You: LOL
You: oh, yeah i keep forgetting that SF is like capital of gay people
Stranger: lol, thats why he took me
Stranger: hes my neighbor and we have been off and on since i was 15
You: thats wazzup
Stranger: free trip
Stranger: it was tight
You: of kinda tired, school is killing me
You: im kinda
Stranger: i hear ya
You: im typing and keep missing right buttons
You: ;D
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you getting off of here
You: yeap, pretty soon
Stranger: well i gotta rub one out then hit the sack
You: that sounds really gangsta
Stranger: lol
Stranger: bye
You: remember, Always Use Protection
You: Golden Rule
Stranger: i will
Stranger: remember use magnums to protect your sack
You: hehe
You: I will
Stranger: later
You: good luck
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
or save this log or send us feedback.
Connecting to server...
You''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi rus 17 m brablay
You: o_O
You: you ?
Stranger: cool
Stranger: me 18 male canadian
You: отаке
You: йопт
You: 0tak3 brablay !
You: u like meatspin ?
You: or not ?
You: http://meatspin.com
Stranger: ...........
You: just tell like or not ?
Stranger: fck
You: :O
Stranger: you fcking gay
You: no )
You: but if u want i may fck you
You: :O :O
You: pishi bistree bl9d
Stranger: what ?/...
You: sosi h*y suk4
You: :O :O
You: i want to fck you
You: may I ? o_O
Stranger: .. gay f*cking bitch.
You: nono
You: i am not gay )
You: don''''t worry
You: : D
Stranger: then tell me your msn
You: u playing computer games ? :O
You: i never using msn sry :/
You: pishi bistree bl9
You: perehodi ebl
Stranger: then fck off
You: sure
You: :O
You: I will f*ck ur grandma off
You: :O
You: 4upka eby4uu
You: from exactly are u ?
Stranger: your f*cking asshole
You: no u fckin'''' nap
You: sosi h*y s*ka
Stranger: ..............
You: ne 4otok 364
Stranger: why should i be talking with you /
Stranger: ...
Stranger: ?
You: dunno ) let''''s be friends ? : O
You: @H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@
Stranger: ...
Stranger: bye man
Your conversational partner has disconnected
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi=gay
Stranger: hi
You: ohhh
You: T_T
Stranger: blblbl
You: i am not a gay
You: stop bother me fag
You: :O :O
Stranger: Holland ?
You: nono )
You: FUland
You: :O
Stranger: Im from Russia
You: отлично, ebl
You: : O
Stranger: гыгы
Stranger: ты под чем?
You: если ты девушка, то пошли ипаццо
You: если нет, то п*здуй на х*й сук4
Stranger: у тя стручок не вырос еще
You: о_О
You: 19 см )
Stranger: падрачи лучше
You: не жалуюсь )
You: нене
Stranger: и у тя
You: дрочить для школяров )
Stranger: мб ты запятую забыл
Stranger: 1,9см
You: ммм
You: у тебя 1,9 ?
You: Т_Т
You: бедный
You: 4 группа инвалидов, да?
You: О_О
Stranger: куясе ты астряк
You: йопт, хотя бы не тупорылый как ты
You: О_О
Stranger: ну еще бы
Stranger: хуле я тебя взять
You: чмоки-цуловайки, пупсик
You: возьми с меня какашку и сожри ее
You: :O
Stranger: бггг во ты лашара то
You: О_О
Stranger: объебаный
You: точно
Stranger: чем то
You: ну и чтоооооо... может, я человек хороший
You: и посуду вымыл
You: О_О
You: http://meatspin.com
You: О_О
You: тащиjkeeeeeeeee
Stranger: если посуду вымал то палы помой есчо
You: епта бл9
You: тебе 12 лет ?
You: обидно
You: то-то 1,9 см
You: епт...
Stranger: да ваще не фартит
You: как тебе митспинчик ?
You: http://meatspin.com
You: http://meatspin.com
You: http://meatspin.com
Stranger: ты такооооой ахуееенный
You: спасибки, пупс
You: я тоже тебя хочу
You: О_О
Stranger: ты многих хочешь?
You: ммм
You: нет, только тебя
You: хочу тебя ЛЮБИТЬ
You: раком ставить и ЛЮБИТЬ
You: О_О
You: :palevo:
Stranger: своебразная любовь я тебе скажу
You: ммм
You: а почему бы и нет?
You: ты против?
You: или ты гомофоб ссаный ?О_О
You: мы соберемся и уебем тебя! сраный натурал
You: О_О
Stranger: бггг
Stranger: лан кароч иди китайцем мосг разрушай
You: ммм
You: ты тоже заметил, что тут их до куя?
You: : D
You: а ты не так туп
You: О_О
You: у меня даже одна азиатка отсасывала
You: @H@H@H@@H@H@H@H@@H@H
You: а ты выпук индейца
You: .
Stranger: лан кароч ты бредиш
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi = fag
Stranger: fck you?
You: not really baby
You: i am toooo fckin'' hot for ya
Stranger: you a woman?
You: no
You: and what if yes boy ?
Stranger: so you are something in the middle
Stranger: da mi go lapnesh osven?
You: no i am someone who fcks ur dad
You: :O
You: 4upka
Stranger: you gonna die
You: u gonna suck
You: :O
Stranger: scared ass bitch
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: i want u
You: :O
Stranger: hi
You: hюi
Stranger: i want you tom
You: :O
Stranger: too,
You: i am billy
You: noob
You: fck me pls
You: dirty bitch
You: :O
You: come on
You: don''''t be afraid
You: fck me
You: fck ME !
You: O_O
You: 8=====э O:
Stranger: haha
You: from ?
Stranger: thanks.
You: u male/female ?
Stranger: im from your penis
You: nice so u are my sperm ?
You: nice to meet ya
You: самозавонишься ведь, блйадь
You: тупая пзда ! ! @H@H@H@@H@H@H@H@
You have disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: from
You: what asl?
Stranger: u dont know asl?
You: yes
Stranger: u'r a Chinese ,aren't u?
Stranger: asl = age + sex + location
Stranger: it was from USA. People use it to know each other
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
зы оч позновательно
ахахаха парни смотрите
You: привет
Stranger: Alright lets get this started
Stranger: I put on my robe and wizard hat
You: what o_O
Stranger: Now I cast level 3 eroticism and turn you into a beautiful woman
You: ahaha
You: it's oldest joke
You: lol
You: country?
Stranger: You caught me xD
Stranger: Usa
You: in usa all peaple use this joke?
You: o_O
You: age?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''''''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Привет 36484
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: Where you from?
Stranger: sweden
Stranger: u?
You: age sex
You: ?
You: Russia, Moscow
Stranger: today 18
Stranger: u??
Stranger: m or f?
You: There was not sex 43 years
Stranger: okay
Stranger: are u 43???
You: YES
You: I am Evgeniy Petrosyan
Stranger: okay
You: хули okay? приеду, п1зды дам
Stranger: xD
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: I NEED FIRE
Stranger: NOW!
You: ANAL FIRE! (__o__)
Stranger: if the fire goes out we're doomed.
You: NOW!
Stranger: Ok!
Stranger: bend over please.
You: from?????????????????????????????????????
Stranger: **Rubs a glass dildo in gasoline**
Stranger: Oh, uh..... yeah. I'm from canadia
You: i'm from Brabley
Stranger: Brabley canada?
You: Brablay is small country in africa
Stranger: Oh, its a city here too actually.
You: do you want my sweety black ass?
Stranger: You aren't going to tell me you have an unclaimed fortune and you only need my credit card info to ship to the US are you?
Stranger: I'm not falling for that one again.
You: i don't know english very well
You: i'm hot african gay
You: CHORNIY VLASTELIN - do you know him?
Stranger: Oh. I'm sorry. I'm a hot canadian straight female.
You: on tebya nakazhet ONALNO
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl??
You: asl
You: aha
You: 18 m russia
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: where r u from?
You: rus
You: u ?
Stranger: for
Stranger: kor
Stranger: sex?
You: korean ?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i''m korean
You: i''m male
You: u?
Stranger: i''mm
Stranger: female
Stranger: i want to sex
Stranger: with you
You: hahahaha
You: you are funny guy
Stranger: i will go rus soon
You: idi naxuy karo4e priwaviy shkol9r
Stranger: please f*ck me
You: .i.
You: les tam mudak
You: -------->
Stranger: what mean?
Stranger: i don''t know
You: mne poxuy
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: from?
You: from my room
Stranger: lol
You: :/
Stranger: rukorean?
You: brablainian
Stranger: oh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: Heey
Stranger: where are you from?
You: I`m from BraBley, and u?
Stranger: Netherlands
Stranger: where's BraBley? :
You: Do u smocking gang ?
Stranger: euhm, what?
Stranger: you're not making sense
You: canabis
Stranger: ah, no I don't smoke at all
You: f*ck, i wont to smock =(
You: smok*
You: e
You: O_o
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: come to Amsterdam
You: ecTb KypuTb?
You: can u buy me cannabis?
Stranger: in Amsterdam you can buy it legally
You: can u buy me cannabis and and send me by mail?
You: hhhheeeehhhheeeee hheeeee
Stranger: lol
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: man drink a lot.but women do as well..but i just dont
You: kakyu-to h uytu ti pishesh
Stranger: ?
You: understand
Stranger: i can speak french english chinese...
Stranger: not any more
You: im only Brablays, rus and alot of Eng
You: im not well speak eng
Stranger: could i ask where brablay lies
Stranger: i never heard of it
You: Brablay -is same greate country.East Europ
Stranger: ok
Stranger: my geography is poor
You: )
You: but i know China//You eat dogs//love pandas///You have 1000 000 000 ppl//Ted,TH000
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: from?
Stranger: Taiwan
Stranger: you?
You: russia
You: you photo ?
Stranger: no
You: my http://cs419.vkontakte.ru/u14646652/58775341/x_cb8a2215.jpg
You: nice?
Stranger: oh! Thanks!
You: girl ?
You: you
Stranger: yes
You: you like porno ?
Stranger: no
You: =
You: How old are you ?
Stranger: 68
Stranger: you?
You: O_O
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You''''re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: from?
You: f/)
Stranger: Alf from planet melmock me 300 age
You: ?
You: whahahhaha
Stranger: i love cat
Stranger: do you like cat?
You: yeah i like it
Do you have a cat?
You: yeah
You: his name is vasya
What color and how much it weighs?
Stranger: 1589?
You: 1589? Oo
Stranger: Your cat eats natural food or eating viskas?
Stranger: vasya - rus cat?
You: my cat eats both
You: yeah
Stranger: )))
You: and wiskas and natural food
Stranger: giiiiiii)))
Stranger: like hockey?
You: yeah)
Stranger: favorite team&
Stranger: pitsburg or detroit?
You: native) russian
Stranger: wow
Stranger: Kasparaitis petyx!
Stranger: )
Stranger: know Max Rybin?
You: ahaha
You: peryx? O_O
Stranger: giiiii)
You: petyx*
Stranger: yes)
Stranger: OyRW
Stranger: giiiiiii)
You: he is from russia
Stranger: yes
You: playing for spartak team
Stranger: I was struck by your cat Vasya
You: whahhaa
Stranger: )))
Stranger: cska or Spartak?
You: he was in another room
You: spartak
Stranger: byxoi or rbf?
You: where are you from?
You: che?
Stranger: v a4e )))
You: ahhahahaa
Stranger: spalils9
You: naebshik
You: ahahaha
Stranger: гыыыы)
You: brablay?
You: аахахахха
You: п*здец
You: ой б*яя
Stranger: видел вчера одного вашего )))
You: браблэй?
You: хаха
You: )
You: и чо?)
You: говорит?)
Stranger: да ничего, тож поржали чета)
Stranger: дай ссыль на вашу гостевуху)
You: www.proplay.ru
You: там смари темы)
You: почитай поугараешь
Stranger: а знаю, у мя брат в кс ебошит)
You: откуда сам?
You: 36484
Stranger: Столица одна )
You: мск? спб? О_О
Stranger: МСК канешн)
You: мало ли)
You: i''''m alexey kolesnikov O_O
Stranger: ыыы)))
You: LOL
You: п*здец аццкий наеб
Stranger: ыыыы)
You: я еще баюсь пальнуться что из россии
You: ато
You: америкосы
You: того
You: сразу дисканект
Stranger: лан, го дальше прославлять нашу родину)
You: ахахах
You: GL
Stranger: да и х*й с ними)
Stranger: удачи)
You: аха взаимн)
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: Hi
You: hi asl
Stranger: 18 m finland
Stranger: you?
You: 22 m Rus
Stranger: :E
Stranger: football match tonight
Stranger: pew
Stranger: I bet you will win anyway
You: who play
Stranger: russia and finland
You: aaaa
You: )))
You: 100%
You: Go go russia
Stranger: well, im gonna cheer finland even though its almost a certain loss :E
Stranger: cya
You: Fin was nice plaid with Germany
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: lucky :E
You: Yep
Stranger: Icehockey is more fun though
Stranger: in that we got a chance
You: gl
Stranger: well, nice to meet you but gotta go
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: gi
Stranger: hi
You: higi
You: 364
Stranger: where r u from?
Stranger: 364??
You: italy
You: and u?
Stranger: oh !
Stranger: no
Stranger: im korea
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: ?
Stranger: speak!
You: what?
Stranger: i am korean
You: where is nuclear weapon?
Stranger: north korea
Stranger: m or f?
You: where is nuclear weapon?
Stranger: north korea!!!
You: 364
You: mydQ
You: where is nuclear weapon?
Stranger: i am south korean
You: oh~
You: sorry
You: mydQ
Stranger: mydQ?
You: i'm lesbian
You: and u/
You: ?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i am gay
Stranger: zzz
You: O_O
Stranger: zzzzzz
Stranger: m or f???
You: f 364
You: netupi.kz
Stranger: 364
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: gi
Stranger: hi
You: higi
You: 364
Stranger: where r u from?
Stranger: 364??
You: italy
You: and u?
Stranger: oh !
Stranger: no
Stranger: im korea
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: ?
Stranger: speak!
You: what?
Stranger: i am korean
You: where is nuclear weapon?
Stranger: north korea
Stranger: m or f?
You: where is nuclear weapon?
Stranger: north korea!!!
You: 364
You: mydQ
You: where is nuclear weapon?
Stranger: i am south korean
You: oh~
You: sorry
You: mydQ
Stranger: mydQ?
You: i'm lesbian
You: and u/
You: ?
Stranger: no
Stranger: i am gay
Stranger: zzz
You: O_O
Stranger: zzzzzz
Stranger: m or f???
You: f 364
You: netupi.kz
Stranger: 364
Stranger: hi
You: hello
You: asl?
Stranger: 17 m swe
Stranger: u?
You: i am from kakaha it s in afrika
Stranger: okey
You: do u like Chocolate eye?
Stranger: I got brown eyes myself
You: show me yr pattar
Stranger: oh shit , are you a immigrant from africa, and lives in sweden now ?
Stranger: I fcking hate you kind of people
You: yes i am i am Abdi Mohamed
You: i am a seller of fruits
Stranger: wtf we dont want you in sweden achmad, go home to your own country and blow some houses
You: i am from Gцteborg
Stranger: and you cant swedish your fcking taliban fck
You: caliroots.com nice inet shop
Stranger: why the hell you want to have californian clothes , they hate you there
You: I like streetwear
You: and white swedish horas give sex
Stranger: its spelled whores ..
You: hora
You: i said it on swedish stupid white cunt
Stranger: yes your burka burka wimen are rly whores .. they should be send back in a container
You: I will kill yr FAMILY
You: hey girl wass up < are u angry on abdi?
Stranger: omfg I hopes that Sverige demokraterna will get the power soon so they can send you home in a small box
You: i kill all nazis
You: i have a gun
You: and i shoot u to woman < if u say one more rude word about my race
Stranger: you are like monkeys
You: I like to eat monkey''''s brain
Stranger: yes I know, you guys sell your mothers for nothing
Stranger: dunno if they brains gets to food but..
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
У SPAWn''''a есть враги О_О PATTAR - сиськи на швецком :O ну хора и так все знают
Тему тока сеня нашол =) меня не было давно, вот что получилось
Stranger: hi asl
You: рш
You: god 3000 moon
Stranger: ok
You: you lackey
You: ?
Stranger: yes i am very lucky
You: give me 100$ or gay?
Stranger: hmmm
Stranger: gay
You: yeh
Stranger: meet you in helsinki
You: you want to suck my member ?
You: my penis
Stranger: kk
Stranger: how old are you
You: 3000
Stranger: are you hot girl
Stranger: with penis?
You: I am a god with penis
You: I will hollow you in a point
Stranger: oh god you are so hot!
You: call me black lord
Stranger: ok
You: eat govno?
Stranger: what the hell is govno
Stranger: i have to go see ya!
You: eat shit?
Stranger: kk
You: где ты живешь ?
You: Where do you live?
You: I will send to you Belaz with a shit
Your conversational partner has disconnected.